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2008 - Ikigami - Takimoto Tomojuki = CSFD 79% |

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    2008 - Ikigami - Takimoto Tomojuki = CSFD 79% Názov:2008 - Ikigami - Takimoto Tomojuki = CSFD 79% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:2.1 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-30 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
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       Japonsko イキガミ Ikigami
       USA Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit

    Japonsko, 2008, 133 min
    Režie: Tomojuki Takimoto
    Scénář: Hirojuki Jacu, Akimicu Sasaki
    Kamera: Takahide Šibanuši
    Hudba: Hibiki Inamoto
    Hrají: Akira Emoto, Riko Narumi, Šóta Macuda, Takajuki Jamada, Haruka Igawa, Kazuma Sano, Denden, Džun Fubuki, Takaši Sasano, Gekidan Hitori, Takaši Cukamoto, Satoru Macuo, Kazue Cunogae, Júko Genkaku, Kóko Mori, Šindži Macubajaši, Mičiko Iwahaši, Rjóhei Abe, Meikjó Jamada, Sansei Šiomi, Júta Kanai

    V Japonsku je čerstvě nastupujícím prvňáčkům provedeno očkování, jehož důsledky se projeví u „šťastných“ jedinců až později. Jde o důsledek aplikování zákona o „Udržování národní prosperity“, jehož obsahem jsou implantáty, které mají u občanů způsobovat strach ze smrti a udržovat tak národ v míru. Při nástupu žáků na základní školy jsou všichni na základě tohoto zákona očkováni, avšak mezi tisíci očkovacími vakcínami je ale jedna smrtelná. Obsahuje totiž speciální nanokapsli, která pak dotyčnému mezi osmnáctým a čtyřiadvacátým rokem života v pevně stanoveném datu a čase zničí srdeční tepnu a způsobí tak subjektu smrt. Háček je v tom, že není možné zjistit, jestli zrovna vy jste nositelem této nanokapsle. Tohle vše vám má podle zákona umožnit uvědomit si hodnotu života a snažit se být produktivním občanem. Za působení tohoto zákona se poměr sebevražd a dalších zločinů dramaticky snížil a naopak stagnující produktivita Japonska se ihned projevila v HDP, který se zvedl velmi dramaticky. Má však tohle vše ospravedlňovat náhodnou smrt nevinných lidí?

    U takto vyhrocených premis dystopie trochu záleží na tom, jak je přijmete (není to žádný akční masakr jako Battle Royale, nestačí se jen vézt povrchně na vlně nekorektní likvidace nevinných). A to pro mě byla malinko slabší stránka, protože než jsem se zbavil vnitřních protestů proti kulhající logice a začal vychutnávat příběh, trvalo to zhruba hodinu. Zajímavé je, že na jednu stranu se jedná o karikaturu současné společnosti ad absurdum, a ubližování jedincům systémem je subjektivně odsuzováno. Ale na druhou stranu je idea "ten, komu život může být odňat, si ho pak dokáže patřičně vážit", na které je tato dystopie postavena, všemi jednotlivými osudy dost potvrzena. Emocionální, zajímavé a silné.

    The best Manga adaptation I've ever seen
    I have to admit, I was a huge fan of the Manga when it came out. I only learned about the movie recently and although it had been years since I even had touched the books, I immediately recognized some of the characters in the movie. Some of my favorite pages from the 1st and 3rd book where adapted perfectly into this movie. Never before have I seen such a faithful adaptation of a drawn original.

    Value of Life.

    This movie reminds me of George Orwell's "1984".

    Set in a dystopian society where the government imposes a deadly "Prosperity Law", where 1 in 1000 random citizens aged 18~24 will die from a mandatory lottery nano-capsule injection that would explode on a preset date and time. The idea behind this law is that the citizens will supposedly appreciate life more by having a constant fear that he/she may be the unlucky one, thus lives life to the fullest. This is a simple solution to the low birth rate and high suicide rate problem in Japan. Like "1984", there is also 'Thought Crime', where anyone against the law gets "treated appropriately", possibly a brainwash procedure that suppresses any opposition. There is a whole 'hush-hush' attitude towards the whole thing, and it's just something that has to happen that can't be questioned.

    What I liked about the movie is that although the setting is absurd, everything makes sense under assumption that such law existed. The "sacrificed" receives the "Ikigami", or "Death Letter" 24-hours in advance of predicted time of death. The soon will-be deceased have government-backed privileges such as free food, travel, and entertainment during the last 24-hours and the family will receive a large lump-sum as a compensation. However, such 'inheritance' will be forfeited if he/she commits crimes for retribution after the notice.

    Enter our protagonist, who starts working for the government agency that handles the "Prosperity Law" and sends out death notifications. Supposedly a 'prestigious and honorable' job. The movie is about 3 notification he sends out, and follows how the notified spend the last 24 hours of their lives. As you would expect, our protagonist starts having second thoughts about the whole law, and how it should be handled...

    The director and producers of this movie are amazing. I seriously cried twice, because the story was told in such a touching way, and the mood changed dramatically in the key moments. I guess it can be said that it was a deliberate tear-jerker, but it worked on me. Music, though scarce, was utilized very well, and intensified the drama.

    The cast for this movie was a pleasant surprise. I was very skeptic of this film at the start, because the leading actor Matsuda Shouta is like a magnet for fangirls. In TV doramas such as "Hana yori Dango", "LIAR GAME", and the movie "Waruboro", he didn't really seem to have perfected those characters he played, but he seemed very natural in this role and performed fabulously. The actors who received "Ikigami" and their friends/family... that was really something. It was totally loaded with big-name actors I like, and they all played their parts very convincingly. Yamada Takayuki and Narumi Riko didn't even appear until later half of the movie, I was completely taken off-guard.

    This is another movie that makes you think about life, but it wasn't cheesy at all. Not only did it focus on those directly affected by the law, it also showed its effect on friends and family, and how people really did live to their fullest in their last moments. Acting, direction, cast, music, story... everything was flawless in every way. One of the best movies of the year.

    I felt they hinted a possible sequel in the end, but I hope there wouldn't be one, because this movie is already perfect.

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    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

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