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Auslogics BoostSpeed RePack (& Portable) |

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    Auslogics BoostSpeed RePack (& Portable) Názov:Auslogics BoostSpeed RePack (& Portable) Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Programy - Velikost:30.5 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2022-03-23 Peerov:2 (Seed: 1, Leech: 1)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Auslogics BoostSpeed RePack (& Portable)

    Program version:
    Official site: Auslogics Software
    Interface language: English
    Treatment: not required (the installer has already been treated)
    Medication type: RadiXX11
    System requirements:

    • Windows 10 (32/64-bit), Win 8/8.1 (32/64-bit), Windows 7 (32/64-bit),
    • Hard disk space: 100 MB
    • Memory: 512 MB
    • Recommended screen resolution: 1024x700

    Auslogics BoostSpeed is a popular set of tools for optimizing and tweaking your operating system. With this program, you can significantly optimize the performance of your system, easily configure various Windows settings, clean your hard drive and system registry of junk and unnecessary entries, defragment disks and the registry, optimize your Internet connection speed, and much more.

    Convenient navigation. The brand new interface of BoostSpeed 6 makes it easy to manage the program. All utilities and functions are quickly accessible. Basic tasks such as cleaning disks, fixing errors in the registry, and defragmenting files can be completed with just a few mouse clicks! The program displays the current state of the computer and, if necessary, offers to perform a system scan.

    File recovery. If you accidentally deleted the necessary file, document or photo, use the new BoostSpeed 5 - File Recovery utility. This program recovers any type of files deleted from the hard drive, USB drive or memory card of a digital camera. Thanks to the file preview function, you can quickly find and restore exactly what you need.

    Search for disk errors. With this utility you can check your hard drive for errors in the file system. If an unreadable sector is detected, Disk Doctor recovers the data in this sector and transfers it to a newly allocated cluster. Thus, with the help of this program you can control the state of your hard drive, as well as prevent data loss.

    Overview of disks. Another new utility, Disk Explorer, will help you monitor disk space usage on your hard drive. With this program you will find out which folders, files and file types (videos, music, documents, etc.) take up the most space on your hard drive. The "Top-100 files" list, which displays the largest files on your disk, will help you quickly free up disk space.

    Antiviruses swear and delete the shfolder.dll file, add it to the exceptions, otherwise the program will not be activated.

    • Type: installation, unpacking portable by punch
    • Languages: English
    • Activation: RadiXX11

    Command line options:
    • Silent install: /S /I
    • Unpack portable: /S /P
    • Do not create desktop shortcuts: /ND
    • Do not create shortcuts in the Start menu: /NS
    • Selecting an installation location: /D=PATH
    The /D=PATH parameter must be specified last
    For example: AusLogics.BoostSpeed.v10.0.16.0.exe /S /I /D=C:MyProgram
    Note!!! During installation, on the first page of the installer, you will be prompted to change the browser home page. Don't forget to uncheck the box.

    mira999, mira999, PetrJaros, Tomuri8, tomaskuchy, milanski51, kari1989, Lampion104,

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