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Quick Introduction to the Cinema of Czechoslovakia - Praha Englishmen Cinema Club |

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    Quick Introduction to the Cinema of Czechoslovakia - Praha Englishmen Cinema Club Názov:Quick Introduction to the Cinema of Czechoslovakia - Praha Englishmen Cinema Club Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:9.4 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-16 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Historicky,Komedie Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Important: We are 100% dubbing free club. All movies have Czech or Slovak audio.Learn to find and use srt files. We recomend

    Disclaimer: This torrent contains files which I personally collected in last years. There was no deeper insight or brilliant logic behind the choice of which movies to includeand which to omit. I do think however that all movies chosen are fairly well known among the native population and I am confident that your Czech or Slovak friend saw all of them and will be able to discuss them with you over a cup of good coffee.


    A jewel that deserves to see the light of day.
    This surrealist masterpiece directed by Jan Nemec has had limited exhibition in the US. Mostly seen at film festivals and in museums, this 63 minute film concerns two boys who escape from a train taking them to a Nazi death camp. As they run through dense, rugged and unfamiliar terrain, their escape is interpolated with their dreams, hallucinations, fantasies, and memories. Like Forbidden Games, Fires on the Plains, and Grand Illusion, Diamonds of the Night is an anti-war film that does not deal with actual warfare. With a minimum of dialog, the film conveys the boys' physical and psychological deterioration with a maximum of cinematic bravura. This sadly neglected film deserves a Criterion DVD release.

    Makes Schindler's List look like an average movie
    Words can hardly do justice to this gem. Understated cinematic grandeur, ultimate moral subtlety, acting without pair in the annals of movie history, philosophical and ethical depth without sententiousness . . . should I invent new superlatives to describe this indescribably touching movie?

    Yes, the movie has to do with the tragedy of Jewish people in the poisoned and poisonous Europe of the WWII period, but the emotional implications go much farther than that. They address human condition in general. It is one of those egregiously few movies which make a "philosopher" out of each of us. . . even if for a minute only. . . even if we only philosophize with our unstoppable tears. I am not one to weep easily at movies, but I defy you to watch this fabulous work of cinema without being touched to the deepest fiber of your soul.

    Yes, it is that good. One of the very few movies which are better than GREAT MUSIC. Watch it - preferably on the Criterion DVD, the VHS edition leaves a lot to be desired. Unless you are an unfeeling freak, no offense intended, it is very unlikely that you will ever regret it.

    A film that everyone needs to Czech out.
    Vera Chytilova's 1966 film "Daisies" is a surreal, psychedelic Dada explosion from start to finish. The story concerns two teen girls, both named Marie; who act goofy and play slapstick pranks everywhere they go. They take guys on dates to see how obnoxious they can act, before making the men leave. They love food, and these beautiful ladies aren't afraid to eat. Rock on girls! This film is highly trippy and experimental. I love Czech films, but this one is my personal favorite. It is an underrated masterpiece that is rarely talked about. Not only does it have powerful female characters, it's one of the most unique films of the 60's Czech new wave. It uses lots of camera tricks, filters, abstract symbolism and stock footage; for a unique cinematic experience. It also uses food in bizarre juxtapositions. Because of all the food used as art, the film caused Chytilova to be blacklisted. The Czech government said the film was a waste of food and lacked an important message. Oh well, you can't make everyone happy. The camera tricks in this film look similar to the techniques later used in some music videos. My favorite scene in the movie is when the girls crash the banquet hall. They stuff there faces full of food, and it almost turns into a food orgy. If your looking for a good time, "Daisies" is a great film. It's bizarre, colorful, chaotic and filled with laughs. A true Czech masterpiece. Now if only I could visit Prague.

    Incredible to look at
    Just wanted to add a note about the apparent slightly negative comments about the visual quality of the Second Run DVD release - well, how petty can you get! This astonishing film is incredible to look at and is surely one of the most beautiful films ever made though not, it has to be said, in a conventional sense. Although some scenes feature genuinely authentic brutality, there is a strange dream-like quality to the film's look. The story itself demands total concentration throughout but, by the end, you will be fully rewarded for your efforts. A poetic masterpiece. Great work again by Second Run for making such a cinematic rarity available to view.

    A great adaptation of Kundera's great book
    A movie adaptation that succeeds by remaining true to the novel's theme while telling the story with an exciting new structure and style. As opposed to the novel's use of more conventional flashback passages, in the film the past seems to attack Ludvik Jahn -- played brilliantly by Josef Somr of CLOSELY WATCHED TRAINS -- from all sides, as the past echoes inescapably through the world of the present. It also doesn't hurt, I suppose, that Kundera himself co-wrote the screenplay.

    Absolute power corrupts . . . and destroys
    Courtesy of AIP Studios' Witchfinder General (1968), everyone knows of the exploits of British witch-hunter Matthew Hopkins (as portrayed by Vincent Price) and his fictionalized counterparts in Count Christian von Meruh and Lord Cumberland (as portrayed by Udo Keir and Herbert Lom) in Mark of the Devil (1970) and Mark of the Devil II (1973). And now you'll learn of the even bloodier exploits of Witchfinder Inquisitor Boblig von Edelstat.

    Born in Austria-Hungary, Czech Republic filmmaker Otakar Vavra's lone foray into the horror genre is this historical-drama concerned with the brutal inquisition of witches during the medieval era-a film that won several awards at Argentina's Mar del Plata International Film Festival in 1970. One of those wins was for cinematographer Josef Illik who, after watching Witchhammer: you'll wonder why Illik's name is not as revered in international film circles as Hungarian-American cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond (Deliverance, Close Encounters of the Third Kind).

    Based on a best-selling Czech history novel (1963) by Vaclav Kaplicky, the 17th century tale chronicles the real-life, human rights atrocities of the North Moravia Witch Trails of the 1670s by Witchfinder Inquisitor Boblig von Edelstat in which 100 people were murdered. The book's main protagonist, Priest Josef Lautner, is a cleric who tries to help his people, but soon falls victim to the trails for opposing "God's Law." The book is heralded as an important to literary lesson of man's ills in political-based paranoia and political prosecution on-level with Arthur Miller's The Crucible (1953) (required high school reading for many years).

    The resulting film adapted by Vavra was banned, ironically, not for its graphic nature, but for Vavra adapting the film as an acidic allegory to the Communist show trails that rocked Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. While the film was banned from showing by the Czechoslovakian government, it was accepted by the international marketplace as a cinematic masterpiece.

    I won't sugarcoat: Witchhammer, as was Pier Pasolini's Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), isn't pleasant (Pasolini's film even more so), but it is an exquisite example of perfection in cinema.

    Watch this movie. Then watch it again.

    Not all movies of that era were delivering deep political messages. CS cinema was always fond of light comedies.

    When the famous detective Nick Carter visits Prague, he becomes involved in strange case of a missing dog and even stranger carnivorous plant. He becomes convinced that he is standing against his greatest enemy - the Gardener, who supposedly died years ago in a swamp...

    A part of very very popular franchise. Real crowd pleaser in socialist days. Basnik literally means "a poet". Great fun and also good insight into everyday life in former Czechoslovakia shortly before its demise.

    Funny banter about love, sex, social status, and other ideals, while a new railway employee is trained and sent on his first run as driver

    The Last Butterfly is brilliant
    This is the ONLY Holocaust film that is neither maudlin nor sensational but that delivers a punch with all the impact of a Hollywood blockbuster, but none of the glitz. Don't be put off by the fact that it's a foreign film (made before Czechoslovakia had been divided in two). It doesn't have that "dubbed" quality of a lot of foreign, English-language films. The acting, direction (and a wonderfully moving score that tracks the story line)and script are all synchronized in a stunning style. In fact, the European element helps to make it far more genuine than anything that's come out of Hollywood. One gets a sense that the filmakers and the actors were really plugged in to the history of what is, after all, a real story--that of the Nazi's "City of the Jews." This was a ruse of the Nazis to "prove" to the international community that they were taking care of "their" Jews by keeping them camped in segregated communities that had all the comforts of home. Of course, in reality, there was a back door track to the concentration camps that visitors were never shown.

    But again, what makes this film so special is its avoidance of any pretense. The film makers don't milk the tragedy any more than it has to be. And the evil characters are not stereotyped into cardboard cut outs. And the heroes--well, there really are none, despite some heroic acts by normal folks.

    Buy this film if you can. You'll want to pass it on to your kids.


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