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Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 7.7.311 Multilingual + keygen-AiR |

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    Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 7.7.311 Multilingual + keygen-AiR Názov:Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 7.7.311 Multilingual + keygen-AiR Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Programy - Velikost:364.3 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2016-06-04 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    About this release

    Release date: 01/06/2016
    Changes in Mixcraft v7.7 b311
    - Cursor no longer disappears in Library when editing
    - Home key in MIDI view positions main playback cursor appropriately
    - Drop down scrolling issue with presets or vst drop downs
    - Submix solo/mute issue when importing old version 6 project.
    - Use selection is now greyed out if no clips are in selection.
    - Plugin manager had a minor glitch in reporting correct # of plugins in category
    - Omni & Alpha no longer copies sample files every time you save a preset.
    - Fix for keyboard highlighting when notes were right next to each other.
    - Fix for submix tracks in relation to performance panel slots. There were some dragging glitches.
    - Fix for rare tooltip crashing in piano roll.
    - Fix for stupid scroll bar glitch.
    - When loading MIDI files, ensure that NOTE OFF messages occur before NOTE ON messages that occur at the same time.

    About Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio

    The ultimate software tool for pro-level mixing and mastering! With 5 additional virtual instruments and 27 additional effects, Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 features over $1100.00 worth of plug-ins - the complete package for "record-ready" productions with incredibly realistic instruments and superlative audio processing capabilities.

    Stunning Synths
    Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 adds painstakingly modeled virtual analog and digital professional synthesizers. Memorymoon is a spot-on recreation of the Moog Memorymoog’s crushing analog fatness. ME80 Version 2 is a killer model of the classic Yamaha CS80 synthesizer, now with a gorgeous new user interface and a whole new sound engine. Glass Viper takes its inspiration from classic 80s and 90s digital synths and offers unique waveform shaping for a deep and natural sense of movement.

    Peerless Piano
    Pianissimo is an incredibly playable and realistic virtual piano. Combining 250 MB of high quality Steinway™ Model D piano samples with advanced physical modeling, Pianissimo recreates the warmth, response, and playability of a real grand piano. With modeled sympathetic resonance, incidental mechanical hammer sounds, remarkable tonal control and velocity response, 256 voices of polyphony, and incredibly low CPU usage, Pianissimo Virtual Piano lends an air of class and realism to any project.

    Superior Mastering Tools
    Your tracks will reach a new level of audio fidelity with an awesome array of mastering plug-ins. Add a professional sheen with iZotope Mastering Essentials suite. EQ to perfection with TB Parametric EQ or GSXL4070 Parametric, replicating the equalizer section of one of the world’s most coveted mixing consoles. Impart analog tape compression and punch with Ferox Tape Emulator. Create bangin’ dance remixes with SideKick6 Sidechaining Compressor.

    Vacuum Tube Virtuosity
    Who doesn’t love the warm, smooth sound of tubes? Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 delivers a knockout punch of tube-modeled effects with the Pentode Audio Series featuring the VTC-1 Vacuum Tube Compressor, TRW-1 Vacuum Tube Triode Warmer, PSEQ-1 Vacuum Tube Passive EQ, and VBE-1 Vacuum Tube Bass Enhancer. Treblecream smoothes harsh high frequencies to perfection, while FAT+ combines analog warmth, vacuum-tube distortion, and tape saturation into a single effect for enormous-sounding tracks.

    Innovative Sound Shapers
    Recreate the grunge of 8-bit video games and 12-bit samplers with TimeMachine Bit Crusher. Build lush, three-dimensional sonic spaces with Fusion Field’s convolution reverb technology. Inspire sonic anarchy with Dubshox Multi-Band Distortion, featuring over 40 types of distortion and shapers. Go beyond standard beat-synced delays with POD4500 Particle Delay's wildly unique "particles" that can be delayed, tuned up and down by octaves, filtered, and modulated.

    System Requirements

    - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 or 64 bit), or Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit)
    - 1 GB RAM (2 GB or more recommended)
    - 1.5 GHz CPU (Dual Core or higher recommended)
    - Sound card, USB, or Firewire sound device

    Translated into 16 languages: English, Chinese Traditional and Simplified, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Danish.

    Mixcraft is a Windows based product that can be used on a Macintosh computer running bootcamp.


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