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FlatOut - Ultimate Carnage CE [FitGirl Repack] |

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    FlatOut - Ultimate Carnage CE [FitGirl Repack] Názov:FlatOut - Ultimate Carnage CE [FitGirl Repack] Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Hry na Windows - Velikost:1.8 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2024-03-14 Peerov:8 (Seed: 8, Leech: 0)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Genre(s): Racing
    Developer: Bugbear Entertainment
    Publisher: Strategy First
    Release Date: 26 Aug, 2008
    Language(s): English, French, German, Italian, Spanish - Spain
    Operating system(s): 

  •  Single-player
  •  Multi-player

    About The Game
    FlatOut Ultimate Carnage lifts destruction racing to a whole new level of bone-breaking slaughter. FlatOut Ultimate Carnage is arcade destruction racing at its best and most extreme with real world physics, three different game modes and offering players a wide variety of online and offline multiplayer options.
  • Arcade destruction racing at its best:
    FlatOut's peerless real world physics engine combines vehicles built from 40 plus deformable parts with over 8000 destructible objects per track.
  • Huge number of race styles to suit your mood and preferences:
    Career racing. Compete in progressively tougher championship wrecking your way through 3 classes to become the ultimate FlatOut champion. Arcade racing. Deathmatch Destruction Derbies, time trials and crash filled challenges.
  • Highly competitive FlatOut racing action:
    Compete against 11 other drivers in single player modes from a choice of 48 cars on 39 tracks in 6 different environments. Wreck you way across parched deserts, massive storm drains and narrow city streets.
  • Fully supports Games For Windows live:
    Up to 8 player simultaneous Live play including Races, Derbies and Stunts, plus the all-new Deathmatch Derbies and the excusive Head-On race mode.
  • Hilarious Ragdoll characters catapulted in-race and in 12 crunching mini games:
    The Ragdoll is a unique to FlatOut - which is catapulted through your windscreen or, even better, the other driver's windscreen as they are wrecked out of the race. Additionally there are the 12 Ragdoll events which take some beating for their sheer body abuse (e.g. High Jump, Stone Skipping, Ring of Fire, Field Goal and Free Kick).
  • Cars look stunning:
    See every scratch and dent all with real-time environment mapping to create a grittier realistic appearance. flatout features dynamic shadow maps for every 3D object on the track including buildings, scenery and cars making all movement in Ultimate Carnage exceptionally smooth. Improved particle effects e.g. Dust, dirt, smoke, water splashes and bouncing sparks.

    System Requirements
  • Note: Multiplayer is not available in all countries, please visit [[Please login to see this link.]] for details. There is no LAN ( Local Area Network ) Function provided within this game. Flatout Ultimate Carnage is an online multiplayer game that utilizes the Games For Windows Live option provided by Microsoft.

  • Note: Games for Windows – LIVE requires you to have an account set up to play online Multiplayer Games. Please see the following link [[Please login to see this link.]] for more information. Features may change without notice. Subject to terms of use (at [[Please login to see this link.]].

  • Note: Steering Wheels are not supported with Flatout Ultimate Carnage. Keyboard and controller support only.

  • Supported OS: Windows XP (32bit) Windows Vista (32/64bit)
  • Processor: Intel Processor 2.2GHz or Higher / AMD 2.2GHz or Higher
  • Memory: 2GB or higher
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c or higher supported graphics cards with 256MB of Memory.
    Supported Cards:
    Nvidia Geforce 7600 or higher, ATI Radeon X1800 or higher.
    Integrated Graphics Chips and Laptops are not supported by this game.
  • DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c supported Soundcard.
  • Hard Drive: 4.75 GB free hard disk space
  • Controllers: XBOX 360 Controller for Windows. ( Drivers for the XBOX 360 controller can be obtained from [[Please login to see this link.]] ) Note:XBOX 360 Controller is preset and cannot be re-configured regarding the control options.
  • Keyboard/Mouse: PC Game Pad Controller ( Minimum 8 button controller )
    ( The Manufacturers driver must be installed for the game pad controller. Plug and Play controllers are not supported )

    Hebrejec, GPP82, somtuzlasky, charlie24, Andrej0244,

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  • Upozornenie:
    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

    Ratio 1.47


    22/03/2024 15.44.40
    dokumenty jsou blokovany hra nefunguje

    >> 23/03/2024 15.21.35
    jabko68: mám stejný problém..

    >> 04/05/2024 17.31.51
    Nimeziicek: Cauko staci to spustit normalne a ne se správcem:
    Kliknete pravym na hru date vlastnosti a tam odskrtnete Spustit jako spravce, snad pomohlo, zkusil jsem to tak u sebe a slo to

    Ratio 0.42


    20/03/2024 11.26.56
    Díky Pepo za pomoc, jinak jsem již vyřešil počeštění hry. kdyby snad někdo chtěl...

    Ratio 0.42


    16/03/2024 18.11.50
    Předpokládám, že češtinu neobsahuje?

    >> 17/03/2024 09.09.29
    kazimirpeace: na co v takove hre potrebujes cestinu?

    >> 17/03/2024 11.40.23
    stanantos: Promiň, že jsem se zeptal, jsem Čech, hra v originále i zde na torrentu z roku 2020 (bohužel již nedostupného) ji má též. Je proto příjemnější ji hrát s češtinou. Mám za to, že jsi zcela zbytečně agresivní. Bye

    >> 19/03/2024 17.43.51
    Pepa1911: Steam verze obsahuje i české titulky. Jak to má tato warez verze netuším.


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