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DepravedAwakening v.0.8 (2018)[Win/Linux] |

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    DepravedAwakening v.0.8 (2018)[Win/Linux] Názov:DepravedAwakening v.0.8 (2018)[Win/Linux] Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Hry na Windows - Velikost:918.9 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2018-05-14 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Lokalizace: Anglická
    Popis: Erotická klikačka na odreagování
    Minimální konfigurace: ~2Ghz CPU, Win 7, Linux
    Verze. v.0.8
    Datum vydání: 23.4 2018
    Ochrany: Free
    Obal CD:

    Jste soukromý detektiv ve Free city. Váš poslední klient se našel mrtvý a vy musíte vyřešit tuto záhadnou smrt mezi několika atraktivními dívkami, kterým se podíváte zblízka na .. Na co budete chtít

    Hra je rozdělená jakoby na 8 příběhu a každý z nich je dokončený a postupně přidávají další. Takže se nestane, že vám v půlce příběhu něco nejde, protože to není dodělané!

    Pro mě zatím nejlepší hra, kterou jsem v těchto žánrech hrál. Příběh velice luxusní a grafické provedení opravdu na úrovni. Zatím to nejlepší co jsem hrál a že jsem toho zkusil dost.

    Složka obsahuje také podrobný návod a tipy na hraní, samozřejmě v Angličtině.

    Changelog: 268 new renders New licensed music A new dialogue box in the UI so more of the screen is visible A new build system so now patches and new versions do not have to be full downloads. You will be able to download just a small file or two and drop it into your game folder for small bug fixes and updates! Minor bug fixes from previous versions


    A small scene has been added at the end. You will see this unless you spend the night with Carli and your score with Judy is less than 4. Because of the change I have added parameters at the end of the Carli Scene and the Kira scene to keep track of what happened. Sorry for the change but I felt it was needed in the overall scheme of things.
    The scene in question is small, 5 renders. So if you already played you won't miss to much by waiting till 0.7.

    One other small thing was the version end loop with carli starts with the footsie scene. If you have a save after that the game will loop back to the start of the office. Go before that and it will be all good.

    Again sorry for the multiple fixes. But I think its all in a good place now.

    Hotfix changes:

    Small fix with a loop that could happen with the end of version credits with carli A few area's of dialogue referenced the default user name instead of your chosen name. A wrong character gave dialogue in two locations where it should have been the main character but it said Judy instead. A couple of typo fixes.

    Release Notes
    259 New Renders
    14 New Scenes
    Redone scene with Christina from 0.5. Includes 4 new renders. Otherwise no code or dialogue was changed.
    Set Back the Carli Date parameter that was automatically set in 0.5. That was intentional but those players who missed playing 0.5 may need to start fresh.
    Version 0.5
    Here is 0.5, Judy fans will either love me or hate me but we will see This update heavily focuses on Judy and Christina. New branches start off in this update so a few choices you make here will last for the rest of the game. There are also a couple more hard to get little bonus scenes in this one.

    Release Notes
    216 New Renders
    11 New scenes
    Added two new music tracks
    Bug with Hollis and mentioning his sister has been fixed.
    Bug where the game would not set the "Going on Date" with Carli. This is fixed but for this update to you will automatically get this if you have a high enough score with carli. That will reset back in 0.6. It only affects a small dialogue detail in this version. Next version its far more important.
    A few minor spelling errors in previous versions.

    Version 0.4.1 Hotfix
    Carli would not help you on day 4 even if she said she would, this only happens if you do not follow Stella on day 2. This is fixed. But because it was an issue in 0.3 you may need to roll back to a save before Carli comes to your office at night.
    Version 0.4
    Release Notes:
    The last main character Mi-do has been introduced
    11 New scenes.
    223 New Images.
    Added a parameter if you got Judy drunk and continued on.
    Re-worked all the dialogue from the previous versions to be more concise and clear.
    Removed a good deal of the slang written in the game.
    Added a Death screen. Yes you can die.
    0.3 Release Notes:
    10 New scenes.
    166 New Images.
    A couple updated systems including a depravity score which is hidden.
    A new load system to look for unknown parameters and set them to allow for smoother updates in the future without restarting. Though some old quick saves for an unknown reason do place the user back to the main menu. Unfortunately in that case a different save or a restart from the beginning may be required.
    Fixed an issue during the first scene with Carli where her bottoms came off then back on again based on user choice.
    Increased the font size of dialogue from 20 to 28.
    Increased width of text area on dialogue box to handle the increased font size.
    Included small tutorial on the game.
    Added Warning Screen.
    Fixed many spelling and grammar mistakes.

    + Pridaj vlastnu verziu tohto torrentu +

    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

    Ratio 2.93


    21/07/2018 15.02.55

    nebo rovnou kdo se nechce registrovat!SHIBzSjb!CKg2ZWujyZdx5gi974AQhE_LOlhXSALNCBkCLqIaD9M

    Ratio 0.77


    29/05/2018 06.39.05
    seed pls

    Ratio 0.4


    17/05/2018 15.37.30
    a kde najdu F95? abych mohl stahovat

    Ratio 0.66


    15/05/2018 09.23.30
    V týchto hrách aspon neteče krv....

    Ratio 0.22


    15/05/2018 00.15.35
    vsechny tyhle hry pochazejí z F95 kde si je můžeš stáhnout volně... plnou rychlostí bez seedu..

    Ratio 1.2


    14/05/2018 19.03.56
    ahoj keby si mal viac tychto hier bolo by super


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