Complete name : Spider Lilies.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
Format settings : BitmapInfoHeader / WaveFormatEx
File size : 697 MiB
Duration : 1 h 36 min
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 1 014 kb/s
Frame rate : 29.970 FPS
Writing application : VirtualDubMod (build 2540/release)
Writing library : VirtualDubMod build 2540/release
ID : 0
Format : MPEG-4 Visual
Format profile : Simple@L3
Format settings : BVOP2
Format settings, BVOP : 2
Format settings, QPel : No
Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
Format settings, Matrix : Default (MPEG)
Muxing mode : Packed bitstream
Codec ID : XVID
Codec ID/Hint : XviD
Duration : 1 h 36 min
Bit rate : 905 kb/s
Width : 640 pixels
Height : 352 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Frame rate : 29.970 (30000/1001) FPS
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Compression mode : Lossy
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.134
Stream size : 622 MiB (89%)
Writing library : XviD 1.0.3 (2004-12-20)
ID : 1
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Format settings : Joint stereo / MS Stereo
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 1 h 36 min
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 96.0 kb/s
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 32.0 kHz
Frame rate : 27.778 FPS (1152 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 67.1 MiB (10%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 36 ms (1.08 video frame)
Interleave, preload duration : 477 ms
Writing library : LAME3.90.
Encoding settings : -m j -V 4 -q 2 -lowpass 15.4 --abr 96
Drama / Romantický
Tchaj-wan, 2007, 94 min
Režie: Zero Chou
Jade si po večerech vydělává tím, že se ve svém pokoji nechává snímat webovou kamerou pro anonymní uživatele. Hledá tetování, na které má vzpomínku z dětství a které ji dovede k tatérce Takeko. Z té se zároveň vyklube její dětská láska. Jade je nadšená z velkého tetování složeného ze zlatých květů pavoučí lilie, které má Takeko na paži. Chce stejný motiv, ale Takeko ji ho odmítá vytetovat a odůvodňuje to tím, ze květina je prokletá. Takečin otec, který zemřel při zemětřesení v roce 1999, měl na paži stejný motiv. Jeji mladší bratr byl svědkem jeho smrti a sám zůstal traumatizován. Jediná vzpomínka, která mu zůstala, je ono tetování. Takeko se rozhodla dát si stejné tetování v naději, že tím bratrovi pomůže. Taiwanský film, který na Berlínském filmovém festivalu v roce 2007 vyhrál cenu za nejlepší celovečerní gay film (Teddy Awars).
Jeden moc chytrý člověk kdysi řekl, že nejtěžší ze všeho je osamělost, neboť zatímco vše ostatní je pouze provizorní, tak osamělost trvá a je den ode dne těžší a těžší. A právě o ní Ci qing vypráví tak působivě, že mě několikrát dojmula takřka k slzám. Už dlouho se mi nestalo, abych film tak prožíval a pomalu se modlil za šťastný konec. Krásný a mimořádně působivý film.
A Nutshell Review: Spider Lilies
A spider lily is a flower that is said to line along the pathway to Hell. It contains poison which will cause one to lose our memory. Memories are central to the story, as the characters involved are questioned as to whether their memories are faulty, and if one can choose to repress them in the attempt to forget, be they happier times, or times of woe.
Jade (Rainie Yang) is an Internet web-cam girl, living with her grandma, and making a living out of smut, enticing men to trade money for moments of online peek-a-boo pleasure. She has a love since 9 years of age, and it is the relationship with Takeko (Isabella Leong), a tattooist, that forms the fulcrum of the story. Takeko herself bears a strong spider lily tattoo on her left arm, and it is something that Jade wants for herself, trying to rekindle and capture memories of her lost love, now found again.
There had been a recent fad about tattoos, nevermind the negative connotations once associated with this permanent body art. Perhaps this movie will change opinions about tattoos, as it opens your mind to specifics as to the reason behind each design, and the rationale that each person probably had when making their choices on a particular design. And as a plot device, it was a hand in glove, a tattoo's powerful symbolism of hiding real intentions or emotions behind, or to feed off its perceived energy and possessing the design's qualities.
Spider Lilies has fine editing which serves the movie extremely well in engaging the audience with the characters' past. In fact, the rich back stories created for the characters make the story very compelling to watch. If there is a chink in the armour, then it's the characterization of Takeko's brother Ching (Shen Jian-hung), who is a bit slow in mental intelligence, and spends a lot of screen time pouting for his sister's attention, which totally messes up her social life, out of love and obligation to provide the only family care for him.
The fear and pain of being forgotten in a modern society might resonate with many, and anyone who has spent enough time on the internet, will know that its anonymity can often lead to misunderstandings. That subplot perhaps added a touch of lightness coupled with a tinge of sadness and irony. As most youths today turn to the net as an outlet for expression, most will be able to identify with this portion of the story arc.
I'm quite unsure if this movie will be able to make it to Singapore, given its more obvious subject material that the authorities will probably frown upon. But at its core, it's a tale of change and to have courage to live the life you want to lead, interwoven with a tale of love. If Saving Face can make it to our shores, I hope Spider Lilies will too.
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