Complete name : Miss.Hokusai.2015.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media
Codec ID : isom (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size : 1.43 GiB
Duration : 1 h 29 min
Overall bit rate : 2 287 kb/s
Frame rate : 23.976 FPS
Writing application : Lavf58.2.103
Purpurová myrta vás zavede do starých časů, kdy Tokio ještě bývalo Edem a kdy ulicemi této staré metropole kráčel nejznámější malíř obrázků prchavého světa ukijoe Hokusai Kacušika. Očima jeho dcery Oei nahlédnete do života, který je ověnčený mrazivým tajemnem a nelehkými životními rozhodnutími, ale na druhou stranu také hřejivými okamžiky a komickými situacemi. Hlavním motivem filmu ovšem i přesto zůstává mnohdy nelehký úděl Oei, která se jakožto žena snaží na přelomu 19. a 20. století prosadit jako malířka po vzoru svého otce. Klacky pod nohy jí ovšem hází nejenom tehdejší společnost, ale také nemilosrdná ruka osudu... (Animefest)
Líbilo.Ačkoli se ve filmu moc neděje a anime jen hodně povrchově sleduje pár více či méně významných životních etud Hokusaie a jeho dcery a neřekne o nich nic moc podstatnýho..
Beautiful Anime
In 1814 Edo, Japan, a master artist Katsushika Hokusai, known as Tetsuzo, and his daughter O-Ei spend their time creating splendid paintings, some on commission and some just because. Tetsuzo lives away from his wife and younger daughter, who is blind, and he tends to have little to do with them, perhaps because he is afraid of illness and disability. Instead, he instructs O-Ei and others in his art, but in some ways his daughter outstrips even his talent. This lands them in trouble on occasion, for example when one of her paintings is believed by its owner to be enchanted by devils, but Tetsuzo knows how to make things right again. If only his daughter wasn't so hot-headed!
This is a beautifully rendered anime based on a manga, Sarusuberi; having not read the manga, I don't know how faithful the film is to the source material. In any event, it looks lovely and the story of the artists' lives is very well told. It has more of an episodic feel to it than a straight plot-line, but since Tetsuzo was apparently a real person in 19th Century Edo (now Tokyo), that method of story-telling works very well. If you like anime, you'll love this movie.
Simple heartfelt celebration of art and era
Miss Hokusai is a "slice of life" animation, it portrays the characters' at their daily lives in briskly light mood. It may set in one of the most romanticized eras, yet it's mostly a few short stories about artists, especially the heroine Oei, woven together. This is a tribute to Japanese classic painting ukiyo-e, the tumultuous time told in different light and appreciation of the artists themselves.
Oei is the daughter of talented painter Hokusai, who has a knack for painting herself. She can be crude at times, but she gives of warm subtle kindness, especially with her drawings. There's no great dilemma or adventure, although it presents a few strange mysteries. The animation is more of a method to appreciate the art as it changes constantly when the characters do narrative or monologue.
It uses classic touches on the tales, which can seem supernatural yet bizarrely fitting for that particular era. The setting is made with great care, details like the street corner or dimmed room with faint light of candles provide fine atmosphere for these characters to play in. Occasionally, they would talk in vague words, it's not a drama where people yell at each other frequently, there's a restrained on their mannerisms.
Miss Hokusai is a nice homage to early art works, celebrated by modern Japanese animation, it's quaint, unimposing and warmly colorful.
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