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2015 - La Belle Saison - Catherine Corsini = CSFD 69% |

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    2015 - La Belle Saison - Catherine Corsini = CSFD 69% Názov:2015 - La Belle Saison - Catherine Corsini = CSFD 69% Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:1.9 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-21 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 42



    Drama / Romantický
    Francie / Belgie, 2015, 105 min
    Režie: Catherine Corsini

    Píše se rok 1971 a mladá Delphine se odhodlá opustit farmu na francouzském venkově a odjíždí do Paříže. Nedlouho poté potká Carole, atraktivní a sebevědomou ženu, která na univerzitě vede rodící se feministické hnutí. Navzdory odlišnému původu se do sebe okamžitě zamilují. Smrt v rodině však Delphine povolá zpět na farmu a Carole se svou lásku rozhodne následovat. Avšak realita každodenního bezčasí vesnice nemůže být ve větším kontrastu vůči rozvíjejícímu se světu svobodomyslné Paříže. Nejnovější snímek Catherine Corsiniové vypráví pozoruhodně působivý příběh vášnivé lásky a společenské změny, který podtrhuje výjimečná chemie hereček v hlavních rolích.

    Mladá Delphine je pripútaná k rodičovskej farme. Vykonáva všetky potrebné práce a zdá sa, že ostane privarená k pôde a rodičom naveky. Lebo je viazaná nielen povinnosťou ale aj vášňou k zemi. Vydá sa za miestneho nápadníka a nejako bude. Lenže Delphine je iná. Odchádza načas do Paríža, kde pričuchne k feministickému radikálnemu hnutiu. Hneď prvý deň stretne skupinku dievčat, ktoré na ulici preplieskavajú nič netušiacich mužských chodcov po zadku. Robia to ako protipól rovnakej mužskej zábavky, ktorú muži samotní voči ženám považujú často za úplne normálnu. Pridá sa k skupine a aktívne sa zapojí do diania. Dôvodom nie je len očarenie myšlienkami voľnomyšlienkárskeho hnutia, oslobodzujúceho ženy spod mužského i spoločenského útlaku. Dôvodom je láska. Živo predstavené obdobie prvej polovice 70. rokov, kedy vo francúzskych veľkomestách aktívne odoznievali revolučné študentské 60. roky (najmä radikálne ľavičiarsko - maoistické revolty na univerzitách v Paríži v roku 1968), ktoré otvorili brány hnutiam novým (napr. za práva žien). Vidiek si popri tom žil stálym, často veľmi konzervatívnym životom. Prejavenie homosexuálnej lásky na vidieku bolo preto veľkým hriechom nielen v očiach rodiny aj dedinskej komunity. Vierohodne, živo a eroticky príťažlivo predstavený príbeh veľkej lásky, ktorej nepriali okolnosti. Napriek tomu sa po rokoch od rozchodu dostavila katarzia.

    A beautifully engaging film, which is very much aimed at celebrating feminism in seventies France, amidst a backdrop of constricting bourgeois beliefs.

    A beautifully engaging film, which is very much aimed at celebrating feminism in seventies France, amidst a backdrop of constricting bourgeois beliefs.

    The movie gives us an insight into the struggles for equal rights faced by women at the time, and is very much aimed at celebrating female empowerment centered around a beautifully engaging love story between the two main characters. There is undeniably a strong chemistry between both the central characters which engrosses the audience, from the moment they meet.

    Although rural girl Delphine (Izia Higelin) has known she is gay from a young age, traditional conformist views have kept her sexuality a secret, knowing it would tear her family apart, she is very much expected to follow the traditional path of working on the family farm, and marrying a local boy. This is contrasted with the free spirit of city dweller Carole (Cecile De France), who is very much fighting for female empowerment and equal rights.

    Delphine takes time away from the farm, after the break-up of yet another secret relationship with a local girl and moves to Paris. The two meet after Delphine saves Carole from a scuffle with a man on the streets, all in the name of women's rights, and so commences their beautiful, yet tragic love story.

    We get to glimmer into this beautiful relationship whilst they are in Paris, where for the first time in her life, Delphine can be open about who she really is. Delphine is mesmerized by Carole's free spirit, never imagining that women could have so much freedom and can be so outspoken, as she joins Carole and other women protesting for equality in a women's rights group. Carole is drawn in by the go-getting, determined charisma of Delphine, which we see when she leads the way on a group mission to set free a young man who has been put in a mental asylum by his parents for treatment for being gay.

    However, tragedy strikes, and just as their love affair begins it is quickly turned into turmoil. Under tragic circumstances Delphine is forced back to her farm due to her father's ill health. Carole realizes she cannot be without Delphine, and leaves everything behind, including a long-term relationship with her boyfriend to join her on the farm.

    On arrival to Delphine's village, Carole finds a contradictory life to what she has been so passionately fighting for in Paris. She finds herself constrained by traditional village views, and their love affair is forced underground, behind Delphine's mothers back, whilst she takes up a job helping her "friend" run the family farm.

    Much of the story is set in rural France surrounded by stunning landscapes, which director Catherine Corsini has captured beautifully. In the midst of this spectacular scenery there is a rather tragic undertone with the characters struggling to come to terms with who they really are thanks to conservative and conventional society views at the time. You can really sense Carole's frustration, as she tries to conform with the rural way of life, yet internally she is screaming to expose their relationship to the world.

    The heart-breaking fact is Delphine has always known who she is really is, and whilst she helped open Carole's eyes, she cannot break the constraints and judgments of her own family and therefore these very constrictions end up costing her, her relationship with Carole.

    The film ends with Delphine not willing to leave behind her family and farm and go with Carole after their love affair becomes public knowledge, and Delphine's mother throws her out the house. She cannot break free from the constraints of family tradition and is left with a heart-rending internal battle.

    This is an extremely thought provoking film, and after willing Delphine to take the leap with Carole, despite knowing her mother would be left unable to cope with the family farm; we are left in a somewhat state of anguish as the film is drawing to a close. We are left with the realization that this beautiful love story has succumbed to conformist beliefs.

    Fast forward five years and Carole goes on eventually to meet another woman and settles back into Parisian life, whilst Delphine eventually musters up the courage to acquire her own farm and leave her family.


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    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

    24/06/2023 23.22.17
    This torrent is being monitored weekly. If you need a restart, please post a comment. If you have wishes for new uploads of a specific old movie, you can write your wish right here. I do not upload new movies or Hollywood blockbuster.
    21/06/2023 12.10.53
    I digress. Old man's folly. I just wanted to say, that I am able to understand intelectual arguments make to me in Czech or Slovak, so please use youw own language in case of any further communication. Once again, don't give a fuck about negative internet commenters. Just speak with normal people here, There must be many. Quiet minority. The bearable lightness of being. Banality of evil.
    p.s. Girls who love other girls, if you want me to post something I will try to find it. Old men have less and less friends and colleagues, but some are still alive and have odd external drives in their drawers. Sometimes their content is still of interest. Just don't expect UHD quality from this vintage items.
    21/06/2023 12.10.42
    I don't know why in Bangladeshi place I speak English. I started five years ago, when I first stopped there and now I have sort of Pavlov's reflex, as Slavek Janoušek would said. I haven't seen him in person for a long long time. I hope he is still alive and well.
    21/06/2023 12.10.26
    Well, the last sentence is not quite true. I don't remember anymore why, but there is one place where I always speak English. They speak good Czech, but for some reason I always speak English with personel. It is a Bangladeshi restaurace. If you go to Letni Letna, for late afternoon performance, you can stop there for lunch, before you rich the green part. Iy you come by tram, it is on your left side. They cook really good, at least did. I was not there for quite some time actually. Funny thing is, that near there there is a good Vietnamese place and I never uttered a word of English.
    21/06/2023 11.55.28
    If you have serious questions, I will answer them Preferably in personal SkT mail.
    I understand and speak Czech and Slovak. Feel free to write in your language.

    The truth is, that I never learned i-y and h-ch writing. I am even larger luzer when it comes to čarky somewhere but not everywhere, so I prefer to write here in English, not to post tekst full of spelling mistakes. But if you meet in on the street, in shop, on metro, in park, in que for Černe Divadlo, I will speak Czech.
    21/06/2023 11.50.52
    Those of you who may be young, shy, girl in love with another girl, surronded with small minds with even smaller dicks; I have no advice for you, how to deal with real bullies and mean commenters in your real life, probably you will meet some.
    But do try to learn not to give a fuck to comments on the internet. Not when your friends start to die one by one and you expect your own turn; learn now.
    If you already learned that, my congratulation.
    21/06/2023 11.50.29
    It is important to say no to STB on this site. They have right to post comments, this is the rule of democracy. I don't give a shit what they post, because I do not long to live. When you are close, you learn not to give a fuck (reference to a famous book, look it up) anymore.
    21/06/2023 11.49.52
    TPB failed, but SkT need not to. SkT can be came THE European reference site, place where one can find a the most rare items, not wanted by majority, as L-cinema definitely is.
    21/06/2023 11.49.32
    I work in torrent communities for 20 years now.
    When we started, we envisioned TPB as a realm of democracy. The concept itself was quantity not quality. In the realm of democracy, no self-appointed STBak has a right to censor what we publish here. He has every right not to download, of course. TPB was to a be a QUANTITY library of pertinent (movies,books,music) human endevour, collection of EVERYTHING, a mass of ever working torrents of all that was produced in past and is NO LONGER possibly to exploit commercially.
    21/06/2023 11.49.11
    I get it. Some men don't like women. Their preference for their own sex is within their constitutional right. What isn't within their rights is their plea for stopping me.
    21/06/2023 11.48.22
    Comments to may work started to appear. Tomy so called "lesbošou" that is. I study L-cinema for 40 years. I wonder if you ever read books and essey on this topic? Guess not, my style probably gives me away, you could easily find my real identity. I guess you are not capable. Commentators probably don't know the first think about the subject.


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