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2004 - 9 Songs - Michael Winterbottom = CSFD 53% |

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    2004 - 9 Songs - Michael Winterbottom = CSFD 53% Názov:2004 - 9 Songs - Michael Winterbottom = CSFD 53% Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:1.1 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-28 Peerov:2 (Seed: 2, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Eroticky,Hudebni,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    audio=english, titulky=polish,croatian,english



    Yesterday someone uploaded mockumentary (fake documentary with satirical intentions) about Boris Johnson. Michael Winterbottom is one of its directors. Back in 2004 MW directed an experimental erotic semi-documentary film, entitled 9 songs. These 9 songs are real documented events, filmed on live UK concerts. The other half of the movie reenacts memories of many many couples of the following type: one partner is UK citizen working in research and/or university lecturer, the other is a PhD student or visiting professor. Almost all my friends, male and female, had such a story or few such stories back in their young days, therefore for us it feels like someone just payed hommage to our long gone days. The fact that in my case none of those women were from USA is irrelevant. Such a movie could be made in Praha, where one of the partners work in Univerzita Karlova while the other is foreign citizen. All you need to do, is to find a real life couple willing to reenact their memories in front of a camera.

    The above mentioned fact (i.e. memories of a rather specific and small part of the population) combined with "I'm not in the least a shy one" camera), prompted a large flock of sexually repressed conservatives to go to IMDb and similar websites and "wote it down", so now these numbers bear no correlation with reality about the movie.

    The movie also has been called pornographic. The truth is, the director essentially being a politically motivated (truth shall overcome type of guy) reenactor-documentarist, that the lovemaking scenes are not simulated. You a watching a real love, a sort of homemade erotic video inbetween aforementioned concerts.

    If we simplify a little, in UK the situation looks like this: praising this film is more or less equivalent of being a Corbinista. If you hate it, you almost certainly vote Tories. If you like 9 songs, but are jealous that there exist 9 orgasm people (and can really make their women moan during intercourse and even come hard at its end) who had a good sex, you vote Liberals.

        Devět písní

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    Romantický / Drama / Hudební / Pornografický
    Velká Británie, 2004, 67 min
    Režie: Michael Winterbottom
    Scénář: Michael Winterbottom
    Kamera: Marcel Zyskind
    Hrají: Kieran O'Brien, Margo Stilley, Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Michael Nyman, Gruff Rhys, Huw Bunford, Cian Ciarán, Guy Garvey, Guto Pryce, Dafydd Ieuan, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

    Lisa je Američanka žijící v Londýně. Na koncertě v Brixtonu se seznámí s Mattem, vášnivě se do sebe zamilují a o rok později se zase rozejdou. To je vše. Nízkorozpočtový snímek Michaela Winterbottoma se natáčel bez scénáře, jenom s malým štábem a ruční kamerou. Jednoduchá dějová linie filmu se odvíjí retrospektivně. Matt letí přes Antarktidu a vzpomíná na svůj vztah s Lisou. Sexuální scény a momenty z každodenního života střídají záznamy koncertů, na které dvojice chodí do Brixton Academy (například koncerty skupin Franz Ferdinand nebo Primal Scream) a kde také uslyšíme devět písní z názvu filmu. Explicitní sexuální scény nemají za úkol diváky šokovat. Winterbottom se snaží o citlivý popis vztahu v jeho počátcích, kdy se dva lidé intenzivně poznávají. Devět písní je především neokázalý pohled na to, co dělá čerstvě zamilovaný pár za dveřmi ložnice. Kieran O´Brien, představitel Matta, už spolupracoval s Winterbottomem na filmu Nonstop party a seriálu Bedna.

    Musím říct, že mě film vcelku i mile překvapil, čekal jsem něco podstatně horšího. Určitě ne docela komplexní studii 1-ročního vztahu mladého páru (samozřejmě se zaměřením na jejich sexuální život; další složky snad nikdo nečeká). Písničky byly celkem fajn a některé se do filmu hodily i textem. A neměl bych nic moc ani proti té Antarktidě, kdyby se zmínila jen na začátku a na konci (při jedné pasáži odehrávající se v zasněžené krajině jsem totiž hypnotizoval obraz slovy: Střih, střih…tak už to do háje střihni!). Za mě to bude čistý průměr.

    Rogue neposlouchejte, písně od Primal Scream, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Dandy Warhols nebo Michaela Nymana přece nemůžou být průměrné. Ani s tím "péčkem" to není tak žhavé, je natočeno něžně a v dobrém slova smyslu obyčejně. Michael Winterbottom si zaslouží body za odvahu, téma ohlédnutí za vztahem dvou lidí dokázal uchopit mnohem zajímavěji než třeba Francois Ozon v 5x2. A film má příjemnou stopáž (kdyby se jmenoval třeba jen "12 Songs", už bych musel jít s hodnocením dolů).

    Beautiful, intimate, responsible. A minor triumph.

    This is a love-it-or-hate-it film, as reflected by the deep divisions in critical response. It is a serious piece of film-making but there are two major components that you may love or hate - extreme sexual explicitness and modern rock music.

    The rock music is mostly from live concerts. If the music that people pogue and stage dive to is not for you, you probably won't want to sit through an hour of it (check the soundtrack listings - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Von Bondies, Salif Keita, Franz Ferdinand, Primal Scream, Dandy Warhols, Goldfrapp, Super Furry Animals, Elbow - do you recognise/like a few of them?) The sexual explicitness is a matter of personal taste - and tastes in sexuality vary a lot. If you can identify or empathise to some extent to this 20-some young couple and feel comfortable seeing how their relationship develops through sex and rock music you may, as I did, find it beautiful and intimate. The lovemaking is so natural that it is in sharp contrast to the fictionalised and very artificial sex scenes in mainstream films. There's also some wonderful symbolism in contrasting shots and details of Antarctica (connected to the daytime work of the main character). It's also a triumph British cinema that the Censors have allowed it to reach mainstream cinemas uncut.

    Excellent, very watchable and lyrically beautiful

    I thoroughly enjoyed 9 songs, although I did benefit somewhat from reading the synopsis beforehand. If I hadn't read it the movie would have been half over before I figured out what it was about.

    And what was it about? A relationship between a British scientist studying Antarctic ice and a crazily lovable American girl. They like to go to concerts. They like to do drugs. And they like to have sex - a lot. The sex is explicit (as real sex tends to be) and as usual whenever any one appears on film as they do in their own bedroom, there are a lot of naysayers who can't get past the nudity to see the beauty of the film.

    If you read a bad review of this movie, it was probably written by a blue nosed censor who doesn't get much, if any, sex themselves and hates to see anyone else enjoying it.

    The couple in this movie are most assuredly enjoying their sexual relationship; the chemistry between them is great to see and the concert footage in between is a nice punctuation to the movie, with well known contemporary bands doing live music.

    The best part about this movie, for me, was the reality of the relationship. Several reviewers apparently have not had enough relationships that they recognize this. Why did the couple get together? Because they were attracted to each other, why else? Why did they split up? Because the American girl was going home and the gravity of the relationship wasn't enough to hold her. These things happen in real life, all the time, so why not depict them on film? Everything doesn't have to have a detailed explanation.

    I thought this movie was an excellent depiction of the sort of short term relationship people tend to get into; not leading to a long term commitment, but forming the kind of memories that you look back on fondly years later.

    Trip77, marianadamcik,

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