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2002 - Ken Park - Clark Larry = CSFD 39% |

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    2002 - Ken Park - Clark Larry = CSFD 39% Názov:2002 - Ken Park - Clark Larry = CSFD 39% Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:700.1 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-29 Peerov:1 (Seed: 1, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Eroticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    audio=english, titulky=czech,english

    This movie was only released on DVD, so the video quality isn't the best. Only suitable for phones, tablets and 15" laptops.

    Ken Park

    Drama / Erotický
    USA / Nizozemsko / Francie, 2002, 96 min
    Režie: Larry Clark, Edward Lachman
    Scénář: Harmony Korine
    Kamera: Edward Lachman, Larry Clark
    Hrají: Adam Chubbuck, Tiffany Limos, Wade Williams, Amanda Plummer, Julio Oscar Mechoso, Maeve Quinlan, Bill Fagerbakke, Richard Riehle, James Ransone, Larry Clark, Stephen Jasso, James Bullard, Seth Gray, Eddie Daniels, Elvis Strange, Harrison Young, Patricia Place

    Autorovi kontroverzných KIDS, newyorskému fotografovi Larrymu Clarkovi, zachutila sláva a tak sa ju snaží zopakovať s ešte väčšou dávkou sexuálnej otvorenosti. Zatiaľ čo v KIDS bol sex medzi deckami niečím, čo im ničilo životy, v Ken Parkovi už decká žiadne životy nemajú a sex je pre ne tým posledným, čo ich drží nad vodou. Ústrednými postavami sú mladý kalifornský skateboardista a jeho kamaráti, a veľkú rolu tu hrajú tiež rodičia a starí rodičia, ktorých vzťah k deťom (a naopak) je stredobodom sociálnej kritiky filmu. Vo filme sa prelínajú štyri individuálne príbehy, pričom zvraty v deji prichádzajú vo chvíľach, kedy by sme ich očakávali najmenej. Kameraman a spolurežisér filmu Ed Lachman zhŕňa jeho posolstvo do krátkej repliky: "Aj dospelí aj mladí, všetci sú obeťami."

    .ach jo ach jo ach jo... Znáte přece všichni to přísloví, že kdo říká že nedělal, dělá dodnes... A tak teda chápu ty lehce hysterické komenáře a odpadové hodnocení. Fakt ale ve svém okolí kdekoli na světě nic a nikoho podobného neznáte? A jaký byl ten váš teen sex? A co vaše puberťácké sny a experimenty? Myslím, že ten film jen tvrdě zobrazuje jistou realitu, ale v ničem netlačí na pilu. Jen bezútěšně ukazuje bezútěšné vztahy několika bezútěšných lidí... Tak zahoďte komplexy a návyky na všechna ta inťácká či novácká klišé (ó jak se u těchhle kontroverzních filmů potkávají ve svých nechápavých odsudcích zoufalci všech kulturně-společenských vrstev) a podívejte se na to znovu. Nebo si běžte pustit na tý týví nějakou opravdovou sračku... No anebo si vyhoňte... ) Film jako film za tři, ale to téma a jeho syrové realistické zpracování jasně za čtyři... - - - P.S. V rámci škatulkování na čsfd jde prý krom žánru "drama" ještě o "dobrodužný" a "akční" film. To asi vymyslel nějaký zoufalec u své duševní onanie... - - - P.P.S. Ach, co to vyvádí te(en >blbý< zbytek světa... :o) - Na IMDb 6,1/10 - přes šest tisíc hlasů (březen 2007)... Hm, takže tak nějak, mindráčci čecháčci...

    Ken Park is about several Californian skateboarders' lives and relationships with and without their parents.

    A disturbing yet worthwhile artistic statement

    Anyone who finds pornography disturbing will find "Ken Park" disturbing for both the wrong and the right reasons.

    Its not pornography, but it will be confused with it easily since it contains many of the same powerful ingredients: nudity and explicit sexual behavior. What separates it from pornography is that "Ken Park"'s intent is not to arouse but to provoke an emotional response by placing these same powerful ingredients within a troublesome relational context. Unfortunately that's also the problem with "Ken Park".

    An average viewer can't witness explicit sexual behavior and be unaffected by it. We are all sexual (mostly) and (most of us) respond to visual stimuli. "Ken Park" demands that the viewer suspend that response, look beyond any arousal or outrage generated from the explicit sexuality and focus on the relationships in the film (of which sex is merely the expression). This asks of the average cinema viewer much more sexual maturity than most films ever hope to ask.

    We may demand more pressure on the envelope as a viewing public, but the cumulative effect of pushing the envelope is still in the realm of speculative sociolology. Also, the extreme youthful appearance some of the characters in the film will cause some companies to avoid distribution risks. Free speech is one thing; defending accusations of spreading pedophilia is quite another, and few companies can afford that kind of publicity.

    Personally, I think that the Clark and Lachman have made a great film; its a moral and compassionate statement. The characters feel very real; in their banality there is real pathos. In fact, the bland dialogue and delivery explains why sex holds such a powerful lure for these kids. They have access to rare delight and comfort with sex and, weirdly enough, a sense of peace. It rings true. The tragedy plays out that they are all compromised by clueless or pathological parent figures and the sexuality reflects a history of thwarted attachment. The final scene with the three main characters together struck me as very bittersweet since it plays more as a fantasy than a likely scenario.

    Art enjoys such a complex, troubled relationship with the American public. We are such a rapidly changing audience with a huge appetite for challenge, yet we don't necessarily absorb the changes we witness. As an audience, we expect far more cultural sophistication than our capacity for balanced interpretation. "Ken Park" is evidence of that.

    blbý< zbytek světa... :o) - Na IMDb 6,1/10 - přes šest tisíc hlasů (březen 2007)... Hm, takže tak nějak, mindráčci čecháčci...Quote:Ken Park is about several Californian skateboarders' lives and relationships with and without their parents.Quote:A disturbing yet worthwhile artistic statement Anyone who finds pornography disturbing will find "Ken Park" disturbing for both the wrong and the right reasons. Its not pornography, but it will be confused with it easily since it contains many of the same powerful ingredients: nudity and explicit sexual behavior. What separates it from pornography is that "Ken Park"'s intent is not to arouse but to provoke an emotional response by placing these same powerful ingredients within a troublesome relational context. Unfortunately that's also the problem with "Ken Park". An average viewer can't witness explicit sexual behavior and be unaffected by it. We are all sexual (mostly) and (most of us) respond to visual stimuli. "Ken Park" demands that the viewer suspend that response, look beyond any arousal or outrage generated from the explicit sexuality and focus on the relationships in the film (of which sex is merely the expression). This asks of the average cinema viewer much more sexual maturity than most films ever hope to ask. We may demand more pressure on the envelope as a viewing public, but the cumulative effect of pushing the envelope is still in the realm of speculative sociolology. Also, the extreme youthful appearance some of the characters in the film will cause some companies to avoid distribution risks. Free speech is one thing; defending accusations of spreading pedophilia is quite another, and few companies can afford that kind of publicity. Personally, I think that the Clark and Lachman have made a great film; its a moral and compassionate statement. The characters feel very real; in their banality there is real pathos. In fact, the bland dialogue and delivery explains why sex holds such a powerful lure for these kids. They have access to rare delight and comfort with sex and, weirdly enough, a sense of peace. It rings true. The tragedy plays out that they are all compromised by clueless or pathological parent figures and the sexuality reflects a history of thwarted attachment. The final scene with the three main characters together struck me as very bittersweet since it plays more as a fantasy than a likely scenario. Art enjoys such a complex, troubled relationship with the American public. We are such a rapidly changing audience with a huge appetite for challenge, yet we don't necessarily absorb the changes we witness. As an audience, we expect far more cultural sophistication than our capacity for balanced interpretation. "Ken Park" is evidence of that. ">

    Trip77, Tomas_Tom,

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