Hlavné parametre
Celý názov a cesta : D:\Torrenty\Kosti\S01\Bones.s01e01.avi
Formát : AVI
Formát/Info : Audio Video Interleave
Veľkosť súboru : 350 MiB
Trvanie : 42 min 18 sek.
Celkový dátový tok : 1 157 kb/s
Použitý software : VirtualDubMod (build 2066/release)
Zakódoval : VirtualDubMod build 2066/release
ID : 0
Formát : MPEG-4 Visual
Profil formátu : Advanced Simple@L5
Nastavenia formátu : BVOP1
Format settings, BVOP : 1
Format settings, QPel : Nie
Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
Format settings, Matrix : Default (MPEG)
Muxing mode : Packed bitstream
Označenie kodeku : XVID
Označenie kodeku/Hint : XviD
Trvanie : 42 min 18 sek.
Dátový tok : 955 kb/s
Šírka : 624 pixelov
Výška : 352 pixelov
Pomer strán : 16:9
Frekvencia snímok : 25,000 snímok/sek.
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bitov
Scan type : Progresívne
Compression mode : Lossy
Bitov/(Bod*Snímka) : 0.174
Stream size : 289 MiB (83%)
Zakódoval : XviD 1.1.0 (UTC 2005-11-22)
ID : 1
Formát : AC-3
Formát/Info : Audio Coding 3
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
Označenie kodeku : 2000
Trvanie : 42 min 18 sek.
Režim dátového toku : Konštantný dátový tok
Dátový tok : 192 kb/s
Kanál(y) : 2 kanály
Channel layout : L R
Sampling rate : 48,0 kHz
Frekvencia snímok : 31,250 snímok/sek. (1536 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 58,1 MiB (17%)
Alignment : Split across interleaves
Interleave, duration : 40 ms (1,00 video frame)
Interleave, preload duration : 500 ms
Service kind : Complete Main
1. séria
1 Pilotný diel (Pilot)
2 Muž v aute (The Man in the SUV)
3 Chlapec na strome (A Boy in a Tree)
4 Muž v medveďovi (The Man in the Bear)
5 Chlapec v kroví (A Boy in a Bush)
6 Múmia v stene (The Man in the Wall)
7 Muž v cele smrti (The Man on Death Row)
8 Dievča v chladničke (The Girl in the Fridge)
9 Muž v protiatómovom kryte (The Man in the Fallout Shelter)
10 Žena z letiska (The Woman at the Airport)
11 Žena v aute (The Woman in the Car)
12 Smrt superhrdinu (The Superhero in the Alley)
13 Žena v záhrade (The Woman in the Garden)
14 Muž na golfovom ihrisku (The Man on the Fairway)
15 Dve telá v laboratóriu (Two Bodies in the Lab)
16 Žena v podzemí (The Woman in the Tunnel)
17 Lebka v púšti (The Skull in the Desert)
18 Muž s kosťou (The Man with the Bone)
19 Muž v márnici (The Man in the Morgue)
20 Kosti na predaj (The Graft in the Girl)
21 Vojakova smrť (The Soldier on the Grave)
22 Žena zo záhrobia (The Woman in Limbo)
2. séria
1 Obor na koľajách (The Titan on the Track)
2 Matka a dieťa v zátoke (Mother and Child in the Bay)
3 Chlapec v plachte (The Boy in the Shroud)
4 Blondína v hre (The Blonde in the Game)
5 Pravda v lúhu (The Truth in the Lye)
6 Dievča v izbe 2103 (The Girl in Suite 2103)
7 Kučeravé dievča (The Girl with the Curl)
8 Žena v piesku (The Woman in the Sand)
9 Votrelci v kozmickej lodi (Aliens in a Spaceship)
10 Bezhlavá čarodejnica v lese (The Headless Witch in the Woods)
11 Judáš na kríži (Judas on a Pole)
12 Muž v cele (The Man in the Cell)
13 Dievča v krokodílovi (The Girl in the Gator)
14 Muž v dome (The Man in the Mansion)
15 Vraždy podľa knihy (Bodies in the Book)
16 Nevesta bez kostí (The Boneless Bride in the River)
17 Kňaz na cintoríne (The Priest in the Churchyard)
18 Vrah v betóne (The Killer in the Concrete)
19 Muž, ktorý spadol z neba (Spaceman in a Crater)
20 Svietiace kosti (The Glowing Bones in 'The Old Stone House')
21 Tuláčka po hviezdach (Stargazer in a Puddle)
3. séria
1 Lebka na prednom skle (The Widow's Son in the Windshield)
2 Mama v dodávke (Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van)
3 Smrt koňa (Death in the Saddle)
4 Tajomstvo v hline (The Secret in the Soil)
5 Múmia v bludisku (Mummy in the Maze)
6 Stážistka v spaľovni (Intern in the Incinerator)
7 Mŕtvy v časovej schránke (Boy in the Time Capsule)
8 Rytier na sieti (The Knight on the Grid)
9 Santa Claus na blate (The Santa in the Slush)
10 Pretekár v bahne (The Man in the Mud)
11 Koniec hviezdy (Player Under Pressure)
12 Dieťa vo vetvách (The Baby in the Bough)
13 Rozsudok (The Verdict in the Story)
14 Amatér v tráve (The Wannabe in the Weeds)
15 Smutná pravda (The Pain in the Heart)
4. séria
1 Amíci v Anglicku 1. časť (Yanks in the U.K.: Part 1)
2 Amíci v Anglicku 2. časť (Yanks in the U.K.: Part 2)
3 Muž v búdke (The Man in the Outhouse)
4 Prst v hniezde (The Finger in the Nest)
5 Bezhlavý v nádrži (The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond)
6 Udavačka v šachte (The Crank in the Shaft)
7 On v nej (The He in the She)
8 Socha s lebkou (The Skull in the Sculpture)
9 Podvodník v laboratóriu (The Con Man in the Meth Lab)
10 Cestujúci v mikrovlnke (The Passenger in the Oven)
11 Kosť, ktorá vybuchla (The Bone That Blew)
12 Dvojité problémy v manéži (Double Trouble in the Panhandle)
13 Vášeň na ľade (Fire in the Ice)
14 Hrobár opäť na scéne (The Hero in the Hold)
15 Princezná na hruške (The Princess and the Pear)
16 Kosť, ktorá penila (The Bones That Foam)
17 Soľ v rane (The Salt in the Wounds)
18 Doktor v tigrom výbehu (The Doctor in the Den)
19 Veda vo fyzikovi (The Science in the Physicist)
20 Popoluška v krabici (The Cinderella in the Cardboard)
21 Kostra na kríži (Mayhem on a Cross)
22 Dvakrát zabitý nebožtík (The Double Death of the Dearly Departed)
23 Dievča v maske (The Girl in the Mask)
24 Bobor vo Vydre (The Beaver in the Otter)
25 Kritik vo víne (The Critic in the Cabernet)
26 Koniec na začiatku (The End in the Beginning)
5. séria
1 Poslovia vo fontáne (Harbingers in a Fountain)
2 Cennosť v kufri (The Bond in the Boot)
3 Zázračné dieťa (The Plain in the Prodigy)
4 Nebezpečné predmestie (The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood)
5 Noc v múzeu kostí (A Night at the Bones Museum)
6 Koniec kuracieho muža (The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken)
7 Trpaslík v blate (The Dwarf in the Dirt)
8 Noha s hypotékou (The Foot in the Foreclosure)
9 Šampión v oleji (The Gamer in the Grease)
10 Santa s bombou (The Goop on the Girl)
11 X v aktoch (The X in the File)
12 Dôkaz v pudingu (The Proof in the Pudding)
13 Zubár v potoku (The Dentist in the Ditch)
14 Diabol na oltári (The Devil in the Details)
15 Kosti v metre (The Bones on a Blue Line)
16 Prvý prípad (The Parts in the Sum of the Whole)
17 Smrť včelej kráľovnej (The Death of the Queen Bee)
18 Dravec v akváriu (The Predator in the Pool)
19 Rocker v práčke (The Rocker in the Rinse Cycle)
20 Čarodejnica v skrini (The Witch in the Wardrobe)
21 Chlapec s odpoveďou (The Boy with the Answer)
22 Začiatok na konci (The Beginning in the End)
6. séria
1 Mastodont v laboratóriu (The Mastodon in the Room)
2 Dvaja v jaskyni (The Couple in the Cave)
3 Svalovec na pláži (The Maggots in the Meathead)
4 Hlava v kontejneri (The Body and the Bounty)
5 Kosti, ktoré neboli (The Bones That Weren't)
6 Mŕtvy z lode otrokov (The Shallow in the Deep)
7 Kráska v čokoláde (The Babe in the Bar)
8 Kostra v dodávke (The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck)
9 Doktorka z fotografie (The Doctor in the Photo)
10 Mŕtva v kabelke (The Body in the Bag)
11 Guľka v mozgu (The Bullet in the Brain)
12 Sestry v hriechu (The Sin in the Sisterhood)
13 Jazdec na streche (The Daredevil in the Mold)
14 Bikiny v polievke (The Bikini in the Soup)
15 Zabijak na muške (The Killer in the Crosshairs)
16 Výpadok prúdu vo víchrici (The Blackout in the Blizzard)
17 Nohy na pláži (The Feet on the Beach)
18 Mýtus a pravda (The Truth in the Myth)
19 Hľadač pokladov (The Finder)
20 Pinocchio v kvetináči (The Pinocchio in the Planter)
21 Náznaky v tichu (The Signs in the Silence)
22 Diera v srdci (The Hole in the Heart)
23 Zmena hry (The Change in the Game)
7. séria
1 Spomienky v plytkom hrobe (The Memories in the Shallow Grave)
2 Šampiónka v teráriu (The Hot Dog in the Competition)
3 Princezná v igelite (The Prince in the Plastic)
4 Muž v balíku (The Male in the Mail)
5 Smrť lovcu tornád (The Twist in the Twister)
6 Medzera v kóde (The Crack in the Code)
7 Väzeň v potrubí (The Prisoner in the Pipe)
8 Zrážka na diaľnici (The Bump in the Road)
9 Vražda v modrom (The Don't in the Do)
10 Malý veľký muž (The Warrior in the Wuss)
11 Rodinný spor (The Family in the Feud)
12 Smrť v žiari reflektorov (The Suit on the Set)
13 Smrť matematika (The Suit on the Set)
8. séria
1 Budúcnosť v minulosti (The Future in the Past)
2 Riziko rozvodu (The Partners in the Divorce)
3 Bomba v garáži (The Gunk in the Garage)
4 V pazúroch tigra (The Tiger in the Tale)
5 Systém v chaose (The Method in the Madness)
6 Hrdina bez domova (The Patriot in Purgatory)
7 Zakuklenec (The Bod in the Pod)
8 Smrť komika (The But in the Joke)
9 Spor duše s telom (The Ghost in the Machine)
10 Diamantová kostra (The Diamond in the Rough)
11 Archeolog v zámotku (The Archaeologist in the Cocoon)
12 Mŕtvola na nebesiach (The Corpse on the Canopy)
13 Plytký hrob (The Twist in the Plot)
14 Korčule ako zbraň (The Doll in the Derby)
15 Výstrel z tmy (The Shot in the Dark)
16 Kamarátka v núdzi (The Friend in Need)
17 Cestovateľ v čase (The Fact in the Fiction)
18 Mŕtvola v sude (The Survivor in the Soap)
19 Skaza v beznádeji (The Doom in the Gloom)
20 Krvavé diamanty (The Blood from the Stones)
21 Žena porastená hubami (The Maiden in the Mushrooms)
22 Posledný striptíz (The Party in the Pants)
23 Patogénna zóna (The Pathos in the Pathogens)
24 Najväčšie tajomstvo (The Secret in the Siege)
9. séria
1 Tajomstvo žiadosti o ruku (The Secret in the Proposal)
2 Vražedná terapia (The Cheat in the Retreat)
3 Mäsiar v aute (El Carnicero en el Coche)
4 Význam obete (The Sence in the Sacrifice)
5 Zoznam posledných prianí (The Lady in the List)
6 Žena v bielom (The Woman in White)
7 Najlepšia svadobná cesta (The Nazi on the Honeymoon)
8 Mŕtvola v bobrej priehrade (The Dude in the Dam)
9 Rozruch v porote (The Fury in the Jury)
10 Tajomstvo v konzerve (The Mystery in the Meat)
11 Smrť gymnastky (The Spark in the Park)
12 Záhada v balíku (The Ghost in the Killer)
13 Hrdina Filipín (Big in the Philippines)
14 Šachista v žľabe (The Master in the Slop)
15 Únos dedičky (The Heiress in the Hill)
16 Emigrantka v jazere (The Source in the Sludge)
17 Koniec vymáhača (The Repo Man in the Septic Tank)
18 Kostra v lianách (The Carrot in the Kudzu)
19 Neznámy v urne (The Turn in the Urn)
20 Mŕtva v národnom parku (The High in the Low)
21 Zmrazený prípad (The Cold in the Case)
22 Klinec do rakvy (The Nail in the Coffin)
23 Mŕtvola v studni (The Drama in the Queen)
24 Samotár z prívesu (The Recluse in the Recliner)
10. séria
1 Utajená nehoda (The Conspiracy in the Corpse)
2 Lance rieši prípad (The Lance to the Heart)
3 Mŕtvola v kanáli (The Purging of the Pundit)
4 Programátor pod mostom (The Geek in the Guck)
5 Vražda medzi forenznými vedcami (The Corpse at the Convention)
6 Stratená v cudzej zemi (The Lost Love in the Foreigh Land)
7 Finančník na kolotoči (The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round)
8 Koniec majstra krížoviek (The Puzzler in the Pit)
9 Koniec veľkého manipulátora (The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator)
10 Výbuch v trezore (The 200th in the 10th)
11 Jasnovidka na strome (The Psychic in the Soup)
12 Učitelka v knihách (The Teacher in the Books)
13 Mŕtvy v dole (The Baker in the Bits)
14 Smrť minigolfistu (The Putter in the Rough)
15 Nebezpečná hra (The Eye in the Sky)
16 Niekto to rád ostré (The Big Beef at the Royal Diner)
17 Mŕtva pri potoku (The Lost in the Found)
18 Muž v cele smrti (The Verdict in the Victims)
19 Vražda na Strednom východe (The Murder in the Middle East)
20 Mŕtvola v rieke (The Woman in the Whirlpool)
21 Smrť v ohni (The Life in the Light)
22 Posledný prípad (The Next in the Last)
11. séria
1 Vernosť v lži (The Loyalty in the Lie)
2 Brat v suteréne (The Brother in the Basement)
3 Darca v jazierku (The Donor in the Drink)
4 Kojot či vlk? (The Carpals in the Coy-Wolves)
5 Vzkriesenie v pozostatkoch (The Resurrection in the Remains)
6 Senátor v zametači (The Senator in the Street Sweeper)
7 Sľub v paláci (The Promise in the Palace)
8 Vlastizrada počas sviatkov (High Treason in the Holiday Season)
9 Kovboj v súťaži (The Cowboy in the Contest)
10 Skaza vo výbuchu (The Doom in the Boom)
11 Smrť obhajkyne (The Death in the Defense)
12 The Murder of the Meninist (The Murder of the Meninist)
13 Múmia v parku (The Monster in the Closet)
14 Posledný pokus o druhú šancu (The Last Shot at a Second Chance)
15 Vyšetrovateľ v ľade (The Fight in the Fixer)
16 Úder na citlivú strunu (The Strike in the Chord)
17 Agent v šachte (The Secret in the Service)
18 Pod dozorom kamery (The Movie in the Making)
19 Hlava pri pilieri (The Head in the Abutment)
20 Mŕtvola v ľade (The Stiff in the Cliff)
21 Drahokam v korune (The Jewel in the Crown)
22 Nočná mora v nočnej more (The Nightmare Within the Nightmare)
12. séria
1 Nádej v hrôze (The Final Chapter: The Hope in the Horror)
2 Mozog v robotovi (The Final Chapter: The Brains in the Bot)
3 Senior v kyseline (The Final Chapter: The New Tricks in the Old Dogs)
4 Cena za minulosť (The Final Chapter: The Price for the Past)
5 Lektor na roztrhanie (The Final Chapter: The Tutor in the Tussle)
6 Rozpílená golfistka (The Final Chapter: The Flaw in the Saw)
7 Tvár netvora (The Final Chapter: The Scare in the Score)
8 Mŕtva v mori (The Final Chapter: The Grief and the Girl)
9 Pretekár v sekačke (The Final Chapter: The Steel in the Wheels )
10 Režisér v ohni (The Final Chapter: The Radioactive Panthers in the Party)
11 Deň v živote (The Final Chapter: The Day in the Life)
12 Koniec v konci (The Final Chapter: The End in the End)
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[ Script trval: 0.186 sec. ] - [ GZIP: enabled ] Je zhruba 15:35 sql