Názov: | bluestacks-2-0-multiru |
Hodnocení: | N/A |
Pozriet Online
Kategória: | Programy - |
Velikost: | 284.5 MB |
BitTorrent klient |
Pridaný: | 2016-03-12 |
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Nazov |
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BlueStacks.exe |
284.5 MB |
Skontrolován: | 2016-03-12 |
Peerov: | 1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1) |
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Uploader: | Uvidis, az ked budes
Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€
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The platform allows you to run applications, including games, written for Android OS - on desktops, laptops and tablets. This is a special program that uses a technique called LayerCake, which provides the correct environment to run the ARM-applications for the Android OS on the computer with the Windows operating system.
After installation BlueStacks on your PC with Windows, you can directly from the program download the appropriate Android application, without the need to use the Android-based smartphone. Looks BlueStacks quite gently and naturally fits into the Windows interface. The program allows you to run Android-applications in windowed or full-screen mode, and deal with them will be able to almost all of it has been translated into 12 languages, among which there are Russian.
Features :
• Running Android applications on Windows.
• Ability to move applications from Android devices on the computer.
• The decision to launch applications Android OS on full screen with a maximum operating speed.
• Synchronize your Android phone to your PC via BlueStacks Cloud Connect.
• The ability to set an unlimited number of applications.
• Ability to play 3D games (with the cache).
• Synchronizing with your Android device will allow you to make calls, send SMS, shoot photos and much more.
• Has a variety of settings and system settings Android (Although they are slightly abbreviated).
• Know how to install applications from your computer one by clicking on them.
• The opportunity to obtain Root (full access to the file system and others).
• It is possible to install Google Play, easier speaking market.
• BlueStacks great friends with the ADB is a very big plus, if you really want to, you can change the firmware.
• The opportunity to come to the FastBoot, and Recovery.
• BlueStacks has a virtual drive, such as a SD card, Data, and a few others. Which again gives the opportunity to do a lot of "body" movements with him and enjoy all of its charms.
Whats New :
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
radovan8, ZsoltTürk, Peebody,
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