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Nina's Heavenly Delights (2006) = CSFD 64% |

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    Nina's Heavenly Delights (2006) = CSFD 64% Názov:Nina's Heavenly Delights (2006) = CSFD 64% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:1.4 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-20 Peerov:1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Komedie Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 04




    Mladá Britka indického původu se po třech letech vrací do rodného Glasgow, aby po smrti milovaného otce zachránila rodinnou indickou restauraci. Záchranou pro podnik má být vítězství v každoroční Kari soutěži. Kromě opětovná záliby ve vaření, hledá Nina i cestu ke své rodině a nachází mimo jiné hřejivý netradiční vztah, který není lehké v indické komunitě obhájit. Film se nese v příjemném komediálně-romantickém duchu, je zalidněn milými vedlejšími postavičkami a těží ze směsi indického temperamentu a britského humoru.

    Tak tenhle film mě vážně dostal, mohla bych se na něj kouknout tisíckrát a nikdy by mě nezačal nudit. Mezi hlavními hrdinkami to jiskří a už od začátku je jasné, že patří k sobě. Nina’s jsou rozhodne jedním z nejlepších filmů s L-tematikou, co jsem viděla. Jedinou nevýhodou je, ze u připravovaných delikates vždycky dostanu hlad

    I liked the film, three cheers

    If you ask me, the crux of the matter in _Nina's Heavenly Delights_ is revealed when Ms. Lady G's comments that the small battery-operated plastic Taj Mahal was a giant testament of grief. Parmar's film revolves around mourning and the comforts of beauty, love, aesthetics, family. And at the core of the film: is grief. Grief for her her father, yes, and also for the all that needs to be rewound: communication, home, deep friendship, solidarity, respect. If you've watched her documentaries over the years, you've found activist poetic diasporic politics running through, for her work is dutiful. But the films are always full of the other side of activism -- yearning -- and the other side of community -- grief. This film articulates those complicated emotions beautifully.

    I find in this move to the feature film (which I applaud Kali films for with both hands clapping) a perfect topic: the loss of the father, the fall of queer idealism (we can't be gone for ever), and a return to the intricate and difficult subject of integrity and community integration. Less I sound too sophomoric to you, think again: Parmar and her crew are smart filmmakers: they've seen "Bend it Like Beckham" and "Fire" and many other important lesbian-type films ... and then delved into what drives us to love. No, Mia Hamm isn't in the limelight these days anyway, but more importantly didn't attempt the epic architectural overhaul of resovling the question of privacy and respect. Or, more poignantly, she and her writers did attempt the overhaul, but they did so in such subtle and lovely ways -- wouldn't you love for your future lover to discover something written behind the wallpaper? -- that the past becomes a sweet companion to the grief of the present. How is it possible to live without our memories? It is not. Patience is a virtue in this film, and I would love to hear your comments about mom and brother in light of such a topic as patience. I refuse to believe that honor is dead.

    Shed Lacan -- _Nina's Heavenly Delights_ is not a typical, vacuous tale of lesbian and/ or progressive family who show their feathers when the big guy goes out. There seems, actually, to be a more important story going on about what shifts, and how we shift, through death, love and respect. To consider this a flat tale about "the law of the father" would be to belittle death and the dense process of mourning.

    Quick last note: Three cheers for the best friend. Pratibha has finally given a body and character to her love of dance. Finally we can celebrate this with her.

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    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

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