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2011 - Albert Nobbs - Rodrigo Garcia = CSFD 67% |

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    2011 - Albert Nobbs - Rodrigo Garcia = CSFD 67% Názov:2011 - Albert Nobbs - Rodrigo Garcia = CSFD 67% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:2.1 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-07-01 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Zivotopisny Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 75

    UK famous actress Gleen Close in a classical BBC style (but by Canal+) big money Oscar caliber production. In the end it did not win any Oscars, but it won 19 other prizes. Top class cinema from all viewpoints.

    Warning. Česke titulky are in fact 5 seconds off. In moments of dense dialogue it gets a bit messy, so synchonize it beforehand in your media player.



    Albert Nobbs

       Velká Británie Albert Nobbs
       Francie Albert Nobbs
       Slovensko Albert Nobbs

    Velká Británie / Irsko / Francie / USA, 2011, 109 min
    Režie: Rodrigo García
    Předloha: George Moore (povídka)
    Scénář: Gabriella Prekop, John Banville, Glenn Close
    Kamera: Michael McDonough
    Hudba: Brian Byrne
    Hrají: Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Janet McTeer, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Pauline Collins, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Mark Williams, Serena Brabazon, Michael McElhatton, Phyllida Law, Brendan Gleeson, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, John Light, Angeline Ball, Philip O'Sullivan, Brenda Fricker, Mark Doherty, Bronagh Gallagher, Cathy White, James Greene, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Annie Starke, Emerald Fennell, Kenneth Collard

    V Dublinu 19. století žije Albert Nobbs, excentrický muž středního věku. Pracuje jako číšník v Hotelu Morrison, který řídí nekompromisní Marge Bakerová. Albert pracuje tvrdě a šetří peníze aby si jednoho dne mohl koupit trafiku a žít vlastní život. Nemá na světě nikoho, kromě svých spolupracovníků. Albert (Glenn Close) je totiž žena, která více než třicet let předstírá, že je mužem. Je mužem, který má své tajemství a ženou, která má svůj sen. Jednoho dne najala paní Bakerová malíře jménem Hubert Page (Janet McTeer), aby vymaloval jeden z pokojů v hotelu. Přinutí ho, aby na jednu noc, dokud nedokončí práci, sdílel Albertovu postel.  Hubert zjistí důvod, proč s ním Albert nechtěl sdílet pokoj. Odhalí mu vlastní- stejné tajemství. Skrývá se v mužském převleku před svým tyranským manželem. Oba jsou uvězněni ve vlastní pasti...

    Kdesi na počátku byla povídková sbírka Celibates (1895) autora irského realismu George Moora, která byla později rozšířena o krátký text The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs (1927). Ale od té doby uplynulo hodně vody, než se z toho původního příběhu stal celovečerní film s Glenn Close v hlavní roli. Close hrála Nobbse už začátkem 80. let v divadelním přepisu a trvalo to skoro 30 let, než se jí podařilo filmový projekt dotáhnout do zdárného konce. Což je samozřejmě obdivuhodné. Ale jaký je výsledek? Nezvyklý pozdně viktoriánský pohled na to, jak nerovné ekonomické podmínky ovlivňovaly osudy jednotlivců. Na první pohled by se mohlo zdát, že jde jen o další romantické heritage, ale realita bývala poněkud komplikovanější. Dobrý zážitek pro náročné diváky.

    Give Close the Oscar!
    At first glance, Albert Nobbs could seem to be another dry and stuffy period piece that would follow in the tradition and be mostly about the acting. However once you delve into it, the film ends up being a surprisingly dense character drama focused around one troubled, courageous woman whose loneliness gets the better of her years of living in secrecy. The titular waiter is a delicate, frail woman masquerading as a man and actress Glenn Close delves into the role with such complete detail that she truly does disappear.

    I'm always skeptical of performances that are claimed to be "fully unrecognizable" and at first I must admit that it just felt like Close playing a man, but as the film continued I slowly lost sight of my cynicism and when a later scene portrays Nobbs wearing a dress for the first time I was blown away at the fact that I was seeing this woman be a real woman for the first time. I was amazed at how absorbed Close was in the role, I genuinely forgot all about this woman playing a character and just believed the character's facade, as well as Close's. Close has gotten attention for the role as a potential Oscar vehicle and some have lashed back against that due to the performance being quite restrained, but I admire her delicacy in taking on the role. This is a woman who spent her entire life trying to blend in and be unseen, and Close's ability to be this fly on the wall creature is remarkable.

    I was glad that there weren't any hysterics on her part and when the few scenes came where, in isolation, she broke down I was devastated by this woman fearing for her life to unravel. It's such a delicate and entirely human performance, and as far as I'm concerned one of the best of Close's very strong career. The central narrative revolves around Nobbs' desire to woo a young maid named Helen (played with an Irish tilt by the up-and-coming Australian Mia Wasikowska, again shining) to leave their life of servitude and open up a tobacco shop together. Throughout the film I was bothered by this belief that Nobbs was supposed to be in love with Helen and that's why she wanted to open the shop with her, but as the film reached it's final conclusion I came to the realization that it had nothing to do with love.

    Throughout her life Nobbs had put in all of her effort to having no one notice her that when she's introduced to a similar woman masquerading as a man (played by the strong and unbelievably convincing Janet McTeer) who has a happy life married to a woman, Nobbs realizes the potential that maybe she doesn't have to live her life alone. It's not about loving Helen at all, it's just about not wanting to be alone anymore and once that became apparent to me the film became quite devastating. Nobbs trapped herself in this prison and Close plays it with such restrained heartache that it truly hit a level with me. Even in writing this I am realizing that the film had a much stronger impact on me than I had previously thought. This is a devastating story of a woman trapped in circumstances of her own making, portrayed with such genuine believability by Close that I forgot I was watching an actress pretend to be a man but instead just saw Nobbs.

    There's a line where McTeer's character asks Nobbs what her name is and she responds, "Albert". Then McTeer repeats the question, clearly asking for her birthname instead of the one she is hiding behind and Nobbs again responds, "Albert". At the time I rolled my eyes at the exchange, but now that the whole film has settled with me it speaks so much to this trapped, wounded soul who was so lost in herself that she couldn't escape her own prison, let alone the one that she had built for Nobbs. I found Albert Nobbs to be quite the moving, hushed character piece led by a wrenching performance by Close and backed up by several other strong performances from McTeer, Wasikowska and a grimy Aaron Johnson.

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