Unique ID : 215571724946958468672027279168045191041 (0xA22D9AA14EB1E749D1C87221721A0F81)
Complete name : Elisa.Y.Marcela.2019.mkv
Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4
File size : 2.16 GiB
Duration : 1 h 58 min
Overall bit rate : 2 609 kb/s
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS
Encoded date : 2019-06-07T15:50:24Z UTC
Writing application : HandBrake 1.0.7 2017040900
Writing library : Lavf57.7.2
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Format : AC-3
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
Codec ID : A_AC3
Duration : 1 h 58 min
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 384 kb/s
Channel(s) : 6 channels
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Delay relative to video : -5 ms
Stream size : 326 MiB (15%)
Title : Surround
Language : Spanish
Service kind : Complete Main
Default : Yes
Forced : No
ID : 3
Format : ASS
Codec ID/Info : Advanced Sub Station Alpha
Compression mode : Lossless
Language : Swedish
Default : Yes
Forced : Yes
Španělsko Elisa y Marcela
USA Elisa & Marcela
UK Elisa & Marcela
Životopisný / Drama / Romantický
Španělsko, 2019, 113 min
Režie: Isabel Coixet
Scénář: Isabel Coixet
Kamera: Jennifer Cox
Hudba: Sofia Oriana Infante
Hrají: Natalia de Molina, Greta Fernández, Jorge Suquet, Francesc Orella, Lluís Homar, Manolo Solo, Tamar Novas, María Pujalte, Sara Casasnovas, Amparo Moreno, Tania Lamata, Milo Taboada, Roberto Leal, Marcos Javier Fernández Eimil, Andrea Caldas, Carla Sospedra, Elena Seijo, Carmen Vilao, Luisa Merelas, Roberto Alvite
audio=spanish , titulky=czech,swedish,english
Skutočný príbeh z roku 1901, kedy si Elisa Sanchez Loriga (Natalia de Molina) prevzala identitu Maria Sáncheza, aby sa vydala za svoju pätnásťročnú milenku Marcelu Graciu Ibeasovú (Greta Fernández)
Roztahaně poetická freska, která by si zasloužila větší rozpočet a jinou dobu, která by ocenila, že film nemá v základu LGBT politickej podtext. Protože je to řemeslně krásně udělanej romantickej film. A absolutně by se mělo ignorovat, že je to o dvou lesbičkách, kterým se na přelomu století, kdy ženy neměly ani volební právo, podařilo se sezdat. Protože je to prostě jen černobílej film o lásce (jůůů), kterou snad v 21. století už nemusíme řešit, že...
Komentáre na ČSFD bývajú mätúce. Tu som sa dozvedel, že je film podobný Rome (čo je pravda, oba sú čiernobiele), aj že je pomalý a nudný. Pričom v necelých dvoch hodinách zaberá kompletný vývoj vzťahu, niekoľko vkusných erotických scén, postupné budovanie odporu okolia, opakované striedanie lokácií a ústrednú nevšednú tématiku. Dobre sa to sleduje. Čiernobiela kamera robí hodne. Je to citlivé a tak trochu správne patetické. Dvakrát tam hraje fado, načo vo filmoch nie som úplne zvyknutý (jak to je krásne?!). A je to asi rovnako vzdialené nude, ako Cuaronovi.
Visual Poetry
I wasn't expecting an arthouse film but a traditional narrative, and so was pleasantly surprised. The formal critic reviews I read beforehand, were overly harsh methinx. Using contemporary film-making styles with dramatic dialogue, scenes of conflict, characterisatiion development etc to drive a plot, would not have enhanced it in my view. While the critics were "eye rolling" and complaining of how slow it was moving, i was walking through an art gallery, lingering on moments captured beautifully in the B&W landscape.
It is a simple tale told with minimal dialogue primarily through imagery, with beauty, poignancy, grief, the playful innocence of the girls they once were, the elemental power of giving birth, among other things. The archetype images of the first Goddess in her aspects of Maiden, Mother, Crone across the three acts. The erotic scenes so pooh-poohed by the critics were also staged with poetic metaphors of the Feminine spiritual principle of Nature.
Cinematic masterpece
This film had me completely invested from stat to finish. The visuals were incredible and the impact that the black and white cinematography had was something that simply could not be achieved in colour. The story itself was incredibly heartwarming and yet utterly shattering at the same time. Limited dialogue was a big thing for me as it allowed me to really study each scene and the connections between characters and also not have to read so many subtitles. With the limited amount of LGBTQ+ representation in media and films, this film really brought to light a story that is not only incredibly heartwarming but is a piece of history that I'm so glad has not been swept under the rug. There were a few things that I had problems with, such as the sex scenes, they didn't need to be so plentiful, graphic or fetishized but the film as a whole should not be discarded because of that. All in all, an incredible film that I would recommend to anyone
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[ Script trval: 0.188 sec. ] - [ GZIP: enabled ] Je zhruba 13:36 sql