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2010 - Ajeossi - Lee JeongBeom = CSFD 80% |

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    2010 - Ajeossi -  Lee JeongBeom = CSFD 80% Názov:2010 - Ajeossi - Lee JeongBeom = CSFD 80% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.9 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-24 Peerov:3 (Seed: 2, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Akcni,Krimi,Thriller Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Muž odnikud / Válečník / Ajeossi / The Man from Nowhere

    Akční / Krimi / Thriller
    Jižní Korea, 2010, 119 min
    Režie: Jeong-beom Lee
    Scénář: Jeong-beom Lee
    Kamera: Tae-yoon Lee
    Hudba: Hyun-jung Shim
    Hrají: Bin Won, Sae-ron Kim, Hyo-seo Kim, Hee-won Kim, Seong-oh Kim, Thanayong Wongtrakul, Tae-hoon Kim, Jong-pil Lee, Min-seong Jeong, Do-won Kwak, Jae-yoon Jo, Seok-hyeon Jo, Young-chang Song, Min-ho Hwang, Jae-won Lee, Chul-woo Han, Do-won Jeong, Ji-woong Wi, Se-hyeong Ki, Kyeong-eup Nam, Jung Yuen, Su-ryeon Baek, Sa-Myung Han, Sung-Taek Park, Ui-hyun Ryoo


    audio=KOR, titulky=CZE,NL,SLO,ESP,ENG


    This movie follows a rather well-known storyline of a girl being abducted and a "bodyguard" driving around in the attempt to rescue her. The most well-known movie along this lines in Europe is perhaps Leon The Professional.

    There are two major differences between Leon and Man from Nowhere. The abducted girl is no Wonder Girl Trained to be Assasin, but a 100% realistic scared trembling little 10 year old. The Man from Nowhere and Leon differ not just by the fact that Leon is a killer for hire while MfN is a highly trained former member of a secret police unit which fights organize crime, but are also completely opposite personalities.

    MfN, men in his thirties, has an Emo haircut, owns a very small shop, almost never speaks and has no real contacts with fellow humans. The only person which seems to triggers any kind of feelings (later on, via flashbacks, we will understand why) in him is a small girl (fantasctic acting on a part of female lead, really fantasctic) from a nearby appartment building.

    The little girl is abducted by local mafia in order to be killed and her organs being sold on an international market. This mafia easily evades the police and kidnaps children which nobody is going to miss. The last kidnaping turns out to be a big mistake for them.

    MfN, whose previous undercover police work is so classified, that even inspectors of a Seoul Homicide Department cannot access his data, hears his little "almost friend" crying and begging over the telephone, when he is contacted by the kidnapers who feel so superior to an "Emo" boy, that they openly mock him. In an instant he decides to go back doing the undercover police work, he was trained for, with one notable exception. This time he doesn't care for proper procedure, solid proofs, right to a lawyers etc.

    In the famous series Allo, Allo there was a French woman, who always said: Listen very carefully, because I will tell this only once. THE Godfather likes to say that got what he wanted, because he offered something which cannot be refused. Throughout the movie MfN follows the above algorithm with almost uninterested demeanor, like he is a computer without any feeling. He asks a simple question, always only once, to many members of a local mafia, i.e. where is the little girl?

    Mafiosos in this movie are rather dense idiots and it seems that none of them gets it; for a correct answer MfN offers to let you live, which really seems an offer which is unreasonably to refuse. Perhaps it's his Emo look, or his seeming apathy, but one after the other refuse MfN's offer. None of them will ever face the judge. The punishment is swift and final, by gun, pistol, knife, bare hands, whatnot. One by one dozens of mafiosos get eliminated by a stone-face, feeling-nothing, hate-free ex-policema executioner. It should be so easy for them, just hand him over "back" the little girl, and they could continue with their illegal activities probably for ever, as police cannot collect enough evidence against them for a legal procedure.

    MfN does not care for procedures, calmly asks a same question all over again, and never gets an answer. All the night he keeps looking for a girl, bodycount just rises and rises, and when the next dawn arise, no member of the mafia is left alive.

    This is definitely not movie for everyone, dead bodies pile up by minute, but the film remains realistic and consistent. There is no excesive violence or torture. MfN just quickly and "impersonaly" kills anyone whom he founds in the places frequented by mafia that pretend not to know the answer to Where is the my little protege?

    If you decide to download, you have been warned.

    Cha Tae-Sik (Won Bin), známy ve svém sousedství pouze jako "ajusshi" (pán), má ve svém bytě zastavárnu, okolí ho nezajímá a žije si poklidný život. Často potkává So-Mi, malou dcerku své sousedky. Jednoho dne se Cha Tae-Sik setká neplánovaně s gangstery a pašeráky drog, je donucen pro ně vykonat jednu drobnou prácičku, aby zachránil unesenou So-Mi, jejíž matka už předtím záhadně a náhle zmizela.

    Ukázka síly žánru. Tentokrát se nekonají žádné od korejských tvůrců předpokládané kejkle s žánry jejich míšením, ohýbáním či podvracením (nic proti tomu). "The Man from Nowhere" k thrilleru a mnohokráte realizovanému půdorysu spojení muže zkušeného v zabíjení a mlého dítěte přistupuje na bázi zdánlivě prosté intenzifikace. Vklad tvůrců tak principielně řečeno spočívá pouze v inscenaci. Ale právě díky tomu, že je zpracování ve všech ohledech přesné, se ukazuje, jak je žánr sám o sobě nosný a funkční. Atmosféra umocněná fyzické reakce vzbuzujícím prostředím obchodu s orgány dodává veškerému počínání hrdiny naléhavost a pečlivé dávkování, potažmo oddalování informací divákovi skloubené s vyvrcholením dramatických scén skvěle profiluje postavy a jejich motivace i stupňuje emocionální dopad částí vyprávění. Post-bourneovská škola dynamicky realistické akce utváří maximálně napínavé akční sekvence situované vždy do malého omezeného prostoru.

    A Nutshell Review: The Man From Nowhere
    You may want to compare this with, or see shades of the film from the likes of Luc Besson's The Professional, Pierre Morel's Taken and Tony Scott's Man on Fire, with the common running theme of a highly skilled operative taking it upon himself to rescue someone they love from the clutches of devious villains, and executing a brand of vengeance without remorse as he ploughs through and single-handedly demolishes all who stand in his way. The Man From Nowhere is South Korea's answer to this sub-genre, and does so with aplomb both in providing that emotional punch to the highly choreographed set action pieces.

    The heartthrob Won Bin buffs up to become that titular character Cha Tae-Sik, a man with a secret past who now lives his life incognito in a shady pawnshop trade, striking up his only friendship with the outside world through Jeong So-Mi (Kim Sae Ron from A Brand New Life doing an excellent job once again), the kid from next door whose mom happened to offend drug traders who are also in the business of dealing with the lucrative body organs black market. In fact, the villains are portrayed in such negative light for the multitude of vices they get involved in, including kidnapping children for an Oliver Twist type of artful dodging profession as couriers, that you just cant' wait for them to get their just desserts.

    So-Mi's capture and her mom's demise moves the plot forward with Cha having to rely on skills from his past to reclaim the only life of normalcy he knows, as he goes on a one man rampage trying to piece together how deep the rabbit hole of villainy goes, while on the chase by both the cops, led by Detective Kim Chi-Gon (Kim Tae-Hun) and the villains all out to put a stop to his series of destruction to their business. Like any Korean film, there is ample time given to deal with Cha's backstory, as well as to showcase Won Bin's good looks sans scruffy long hair and a perpetual scowl on the face. His previous film Mother and this one put together would already prove that Won Bin has a wide range of emotions to play unorthodox characters rather than just being another pretty boy on the block.

    Now for all the action junkies who think they may have seen it all, this Korean flick ups the ante in at least two scenes which makes you sit up and take notice that the stunt coordinators are no pushovers and can offer something refreshingly different. There's that iconic leap from the balcony in The Bourne Ultimatum that had Jason Bourne chase someone through the balcony window in a leap that's followed by a camera. Here, the same got pulled off with the major difference being knowing it is precisely the actor Won Bin himself executing the move from a second storey leap through the window followed by a roll on the ground to break fall, all done in one swift motion, and unless some devious trick is used, that's the actor alright.

    The other is the much lauded close quarters knife fight. It may be inspired by the likes of Oldboy or even Repo Men, but this one held it's own ground through its beautiful (yes it's a little weird using this to describe bloody violence) choreography striking up that sense of all round danger, with Cha going for the jugular with a lesson on anatomy with respect to where major arteries are located, paralyzing his opponents before fatally dealing with some. This culminates in Part B that moved from many to one, to a one on one battle that occasionally puts you in the first person's perspective.

    Those scenes alone will be reason enough to watch this for a second time, and for fans of the revenge thriller flicks, The Man From Nowhere sets to deliver the no BS, dead serious treatment that will leave you applauding each time any bad guy bites the dust. Recommended!

    Wow. Simply wow.

    A lot of people are put off by foreign language films and I hope those people don't let that stop them from watching this.

    It has all the panache of a typical Hollywood film and I have to disagree with some comments that the back-story aspect is lacking compared with the action; my exact thoughts when watching this film were along the lines of "I cannot believe how genuine the character development is". The bond between the two main characters is extremely believable (huge props to the actress who played the young kid). I thought the fact that the film wasn't edited down to the hour-and-half standard probably gave them more room to develop and for an action film, there was much more intelligence than I was expecting to the story.

    One of the best films I have seen in a long time.

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