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2004 - Hudie - Mak Yanyan = CSFD 67% |

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    2004 - Hudie - Mak Yanyan = CSFD 67% Názov:2004 - Hudie - Mak Yanyan = CSFD 67% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:4.4 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-27 Peerov:1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Drama Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Pridaj do zalozky
    Pridaj do zalozky

    This is a seriously good film. It was made with modest money resources and no famous actresses, so video may be dissapointing for fans of huge screens and avatarian special effects.

    If however you already grew up from Matrix-Avatar-War of the Worlds type of cinema and became a fully functioning adult, you will find the story itself, its addaptation to a movie script, inspired direction and the acting of four leads unforgetable. (four here means 2x2; two subplots, 15 years difference, two girls grow into 2 women; no special costumes but two pairs of actresses)

    The story intertwines (movie does not fail on any of those two front) a beautiful love story and an effort to preserve an important moment of English history from the viewpoint of ordinary Hongkongers.

    If you are very young and were not aware of the fact that UK once occupied Hong Kong area and kept it under occupation for a prolonged period of time, you may want to read a quick overview   before watching, to understand the political half of the movie a little better. The end of the occupation was actually not in 2004 (year of Hudie appearance), but in 1997.

    Laska je laska - Film 61

    audio=cantonese+some mandarin,english and portugese (english is logical because of the occupation, purtugese comes from the occupation of Macao area by Portugal)

    I was very surprised to find czech titulky. Here I never met anyone, who new about the film entitled Hudie (butterfly), but at there is an author with nickname Dr. Sova. We are grateful to her/him for making a (definitely not easy task) of providing subtitles and thus enabled young CZ/SK girls to enjoy this cult classics.



       Hu die

       Hongkong 蝴蝶
       angličtina Butterfly

    Hongkong, 2004, 124 min
    Režie: Yan Yan Mak
    Scénář: Yan Yan Mak
    Kamera: Charlie Lam
    Hudba: Tommy Wai
    Hrají: Josie Ho, Yuan Tian, Eric Kot, Stephanie Che, Kenneth Tsang, Calvin Poon, Ka-Wah Chan, Brenda Chan, Hong-dou Lau, Candy Hau, Carl Ng, Isabel Chan, Pauline Yam, Szeto King-fung

    Flavia je vdaná učitelka s oslavou 30. narozenin dávno za sebou. Během svého mládí prožila krátký lesbický vztah s Jin, který ve své paměti potlačila a teď žije v nepříliš šťastném manželském svazku s mužem. Jednoho dne je svědkem, jak se mladá dívka Yip dopustí drobké kráděže. Dívka ve Flavii vzbudí dávno pohřbené pocity a tak se dívky zastane. Nejenže je to zrod životního obratu v jejím životě, ale také brána ke starým vzpomínkám.

    Pěkný snímek, kde mě zaujala hlavní hrdinka. Zpočátku to má snadný průběh, jen sledujeme paralelu s minulostí, později se to už ale slušně zamotává. Hrdinka se znovu a znovu dostává do stejných situací, neumí jim čelit, přičemž by sama měla vědět, co s tím, pomoci někomu. Některé tyto aspekty tak slouží jen pro odvedení pozornosti od toho hlavního, přestože to vše spolu nějak souvisí. Na pozadí divák rovněž vidí, jak probíhaly nepokoje před mnoha lety. Scény z obou perspektiv skáčou celý film, jak se to tvůrcům zrovna hodí, což místy akorát znepřehledňuje orientaci v ději. Má to poměrně neotřelou atmosféru, závěrečná pointa potěšila. Věci se vyhrotí, saze bouchnou, už nebude návratu. Samotné milostné scény jsou decentní, romanticky laděné, nic odvážnějšího tu k vidění není. Dále může divák snadno porovnávat s jinými filmy, jak je mínění společnosti nakloněno vztahům stejného pohlaví, tady to postavy neměly opravdu jednoduché. Odepnout se od nesmyslných předsudků, to je největší problém dnešní doby. Plný počet naprosto zaslouženě, neboť to přímo vybízí k opakovanému zhlédnutí.

    Film s pôsobivou atmosférou, vďaka zaujímavej kamere, vynikajúcej hudbe v podaní Hopscotch (obe hlavné predstaviteľky sú hudobníčky) a predovšetkým ošarpanej kráse Macaa. Na druhýkrát sa mi film páčil ešte viac, preto 5* v tomto prípade sedí.

    Butterfly (2004)

    A very sweet film about sexual awakening. Many have commented that the romance blossoms too quickly, which for me completely misses the point. The reason the attractive builds into romance so fast is due to the feelings of nostalgia it raises in Flavia. One of the most honest and beautiful subjects of this film is to see selfish lust drift into actual love. For Flavia, love is at first an escape. It reminds her of when she felt young and wanted. For Yip, it's a chance to be with an older woman that will support her during the building of her music career. As the events unfold it doesn't leave the world unaffected. Flavia's marriage begins to crumble, and her husband is portrayed as sweet, but too reliant on her. We get a feeling that Flavia has been forced into this life against her will. The past is sent against a political backdrop that raises tensions. I watched this on Blu-Ray which just emphasized the stunning photography. A real quiet gem of a film, which hides enough of the relationship to make it an ambiguous study open for interpretation.

    a very daring attempt

    Butterfly is a brave try in the contemporary Hong Kong film industry, which has been highly commercialised. In contrast to most of the HK films, which are targeted at the mass audience, this film is definitely catering to viewers with open minds and willing to accept new story-telling styles. The two interesting features of this film, to me, who grew up with Chinese (including HK & Taiwan) films, are: first, parallel story-telling and second, the integration of political messages into a homosexual love story. Let me go more in-depth into these. In this film, there are two main stories, both happened on Ah-Die (acted by Josie Ho), but at two time segments: she at 30 something, married with a daughter; and she during her teens, in love with her schoolmate. The editing skill enhances the stories a lot, by segmenting each story and mixing them together so that the two stories are developing in a parallel manner. Only towards the ending, the audiences know that how the teen lesbian couple parted 15 years ago; and how, in the present world, the triangle relationship between Ah-Die, Yip (acted by Yuan Tian) and Ah-Die's husband was resolved. It is not easy not to confuse the audiences when telling two stories in this way, but the director had done a good job. Excellent! The second interesting feature of this film is that it was able to blend two sensitive issues (at least sensitive in the Chinese world)in one film: politics and homosexuality. In the story of teen Ah-Die 15 years ago, her girlfriend was actively involved in political activities. Though it was not said directly by the main actors, the film had sent the pro-democratic messages by touching on the Tiananmen incidence took place in 1989 in Beijing. A girl said to the public: 'I am not really interested in politics, but I can't deny that we all live in it...'; an old woman also said during a protest that 'we are all humans and we all need freedom and basic rights...'. Though these all happened about 15 years ago, as described in the film, the political messages of freedom and human rights are still valid in contemporary China. Or I dare say the director MEANS to say something about current political status in China. Therefore Butterfly (Wu Die) may not be the greatest art film in 2004 in China, nonetheless, it is the most daring one, which deserves the dedication of audiences' time to appreciate it.


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