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Thief.Simulator.v1.45-GOG |

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    Thief.Simulator.v1.45-GOG Názov:Thief.Simulator.v1.45-GOG Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Hry na Windows - Velikost:4.5 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2020-11-06 Peerov:1 (Seed: 1, Leech: 0)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Rok vydání: 9. listopadu. 2018
    Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružné, Nezávislé, Simulace
    Vývojář: Noble Muffins
    Vydavatel: PlayWay S.A.
    Platforma: Windows
    Jazyk rozhraní: ruština, angličtina, italština, němčina, španělština, polština, portugalština, čínština (ex.), Francouzština, turečtina, čeština, korejština, maďarština, japonština
    Jazyk hlasu: angličtina
    Tabletka: Není potřeba

    Become the real thief. Steal in free roam sandbox neighborhoods. Observe your target and gather information that will help you with the burglary. Take the challenge and rob the best secured houses. Buy some hi-tech burglar equipment and learn new thief tricks. Sell stolen goods to the passers. Do anything that a real thief does!

    A good thief always observes his target. What\'s inside? Who lives there? What\'s your target day schedule? Find out when the house is empty and does it have nosy neighbours. Choose from lots of possible approaches to prepare the best plan. Many modern devices available in Thief Simulator might come in handy with gathering intel about your target and it\'s neighbourhood.

    The faster, the better. Find and steal as many valuables as possible in the shortest time possible. Remember that infinite backpacks don\'t exist. When it\'s about time you have to maintain cold blood. In every house you\'ll find tons of useless stuff, which can really slow you down. If you\'re not sure that you can take some serious money for it, maybe a good idea would be to leave it behind and save space for some expensive goods. If you fill your backpack with worthless items, you may have to waste your time to throw stuff out just to make space for other things. Be careful, cause some things can draw police attention to you!

    A real, experienced thief can spot places where there\'s most probability of finding some valuables on the fly. Use the flashlight at night to highlight all the valuables in sight and places where you can expect them to be.

    Disassemble a stolen car and sell parts on the internet. Prepare phones and tablets before selling them in a pawn shop by removing their security.

    Look around for any useful items. They will save you some time on lockpicking or hacking. Key near a window or purchase receipts in trash bins. All those things can make life of an aspiring thief so much easier and reduce your burglary time even by a half. Of course many of them are just useless trash... Or maybe they aren\'t?

    Be careful! In some houses you can meet unexpected guests. If they catch you in the act, they will call the police. In this case hide and wait till they stop looking for you or you can always leave the loot and run away as fast as possible.

    OS: Windows 7
    Processor: Intel Core i5
    Memory: 8 GB RAM
    Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 750
    DirectX: Version 10
    Storage: 5 GB available space
    Sound Card: DirectX compatible

    OS:  Windows 10
    Processor:  Intel Core i7
    Memory:  8 GB RAM
    Graphics:  NVidia GeForce GTX 1050
    DirectX:  Version 10
    Storage:  5 GB available space
    Sound Card:  DirectX compatible


    petusko1310, Koli10, hmm21, Pito126,

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