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2016 - Ahgassi - Park ChanWook = CSFD 77% |

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    2016 - Ahgassi - Park ChanWook = CSFD 77% Názov:2016 - Ahgassi - Park ChanWook = CSFD 77% Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:2.7 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-24 Peerov:1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Drama,Mysteriozni,Romanticky,Thriller Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Komorná / Agasshi /The Handmaiden

    Drama / Mysteriózní / Romantický / Thriller
    Jižní Korea, 2016, 144 min (Director's Cut: 167 min)
    Režie: Čchan-uk Pak
    Předloha: Sarah Waters (kniha)
    Scénář: Čchan-uk Pak, Seo-kyeong Jeong
    Kamera: Jung-hoon Jung
    Hudba: Yeong-wook Jo
    Hrají: Min-hee Kim, Tae-ri Kim, Jeong-woo Ha, Jin-woong Cho, Hae-sook Kim, Yong-nyeo Lee, So-ri Moon, Eun-hyung Jo, In-woo Kim, Byeong-mo Choi, Dong-hwi Lee, Lee-woo Kim, Ha-dam Jeong, Si-eun Kim, Seung-joon Park


    Laska je laska - Film 55

    audio=korean, titulky=czech,english


    Šlechtična Hideko žije v ústraní na venkovském panství se svým strýcem a poručníkem.
    Chlípný strýc vychovává Hideko přísnou rukou a čeká, až dospěje, aby si ji mohl vzít a zmocnit se jejího bohatství.
    V domě se však objevuje podvodník, který zosnuje příchod mladé komorné Sukhui ve skutečnosti chudé kapsářky, která mu má pomoci nebohou Hideko svést.
    Dobře promyšlený plán ale začíná hatit vášeň, která mezi dvěma dívkami zahoří.
    Brzy navíc přestává být jasné, kdo koho ve skutečnosti podvádí.
    Příběh bestselleru Zlodějka spisovatelky Sarah Waters do japonsko-korejských reálií 30. let 20. století
    převedl jeden z nejvýraznějších jihokorejských režisérů současnosti Park Chan-wook
    a vytvořil dynamický thriller plný zvratů prodchnutý podmanivou erotickou atmosférou.

    Pro někoho půjde o lesbickou romanci, v níž vede cesta k objevení vlastní identity
    a překonání patriarchátu přes setkání s obří chobotnicí. Jiní mohou Komornou sledovat jako úvahu
    nad uměleckými reprezentacemi ženského těla a diváckou slastí z jejich sledování
    nebo jednoduše jako erotický thriller s hitchcockovsky semknutým a přehledným vyprávěním.
    Pod krásným povrchem, jímž se Park zdá být tak fascinován,
    se zkrátka skrývá dost dalších vrstev na to, abyste film přes jeho mimořádnou délku
    a pomalu stupňované tempo chtěli vidět vícekrát. Více zde. 85%

    Masterclass Cinema

    This is hands down the most perfect film I have seen so far this year. I gave a score of 5/5 to movies like The Revenant, Spotlight and The Songs We Sang.
    But even with these excellent films I can always find a spot that doesn't quite sit right with me.
    With The Handmaiden, it is perfect; every frame handcrafted to perfection.
    Even with 4min of explicit sex taken away by my country's dumb censors, this is still perfect every way I see it.

    Auteur Park Chan-Wook's The Handmaiden is a superb exercise in form, structure and tone.
    With the latter, Park (Oldboy & Joint Security Area) has achieved something extraordinary.
    If any scene were to linger a few seconds longer or he had decided to focus on a certain issue,
    the film would have veered off to a different territory.
    As it is, and with all the major characters' kooky off-kilter portrayals, I can't pinpoint whether I was watching something real or abstract.
    I was also kept in awe by the intricate and resplendent set- design which suggests something dark and Gothic is working the undercurrents.
    There are of course some serious girl on girl action but that never encroaches into the spine of the story.

    Adapting Sarah Waters' Fingersmith, a Victorian tale awash with all manner of Dickensian motifs,
    Park spins an engrossing tale that ebbs and flows with a Hitchcockian suspense;
    it withholds as much as it discloses; it is an erotic tale that beats with raw fervour.
    It is at once a love story but also a menagerie showcasing human beings in their vilest forms.
    Park's finger hovers over all the buttons, teasing us gleefully but it is with the ultimate restraint that he never descends down to the usual tropes.

    The story is divided into three chapters; each told from a different character's perspective.
    The structure is Rashomon-esque but Park puts his own stamp on it. The film may be nearly 2.5 hours but I hardly moved in my seat;
    my senses kept spellbound as each twist hits me hard. When it ended I couldn't believe 2.5 hours have whizzed by.
    The plot is pulsating and it never lets up. There is even an octopus in it!
    This is definitely the most perfect film I have seen this year.
    You may not agree with me but for me this is cinema of the masterclass level.

    According to many reviewers, this movie is the best movie of all times, in which love between two woman plays significant role.
    Ahgassi is first and foremost a top class mystery thriller. The crimes in Ahgassi are connected with money not murders.  
    This Korean version of famous Sarah Waters book is highly professional production, with famous actors, directed by world-famous director.
    The main strength of the movie lies in a flawless script, a gripping story full of twists.
    If you enjoy the so-called cozy mystery literature, this is a perfect movie for you, whether you are straight, homosexual or something in between.

    The blooming love affair between both female leads is, under circumstances, not only possible but in fact only "normal" outcome.

    The story of Ahfassi is unfolding in the historic era, where all women were almost without any human rights.
    Moreover, both girls are suffocating in the permanent athmosphere of crime, sadism and psychophaty.
    There are only three logical courses of action left for them: suicide, descent into madness or constuction of a bubble of a tender love for each other,
    where it becomes possible to steal at least few moment of happiness and normal healty interaction between humans.
    Both protagonists of Ahgassi decide to follow the third path, hence we are given a love story subplot in a mystery where nothing is at it seems.

    Both lead male protagonist are devising criminal schemes in which girl will be a collateral damage. Well, not so fast.
    Being without basic human rights does not equal to being stupid. In fact, two young girls in love,
    for the first time in their lives understanding what is happiness and bliss, devise a cunning plan, worthy of Black Adder.
    Details of a cunning plan will be omitted, as I do not want to spoil your viewing experience.
    If you therefore like to cheer for Team Oppressed again Team Oppressor,
    invite someone dear to your heart and watch Ahgassi together.

    If you like to cheer for Team Oppressor, just because Team Oppressed consists of two girls in love, kindly ask you fuck off my torrents. I would be insulted if you would download any of them.

    Disclosure. I am white, husband, dad, granddad

    union member, supporter of Stop the War Coallition

    voted Remain, voted for Corbyn


    Ziadny zo zobrazených súborov sa nenachádza na tomto serveri. Server slúzi len k síreniu vlastnorucne vytvorených aplikácií, videí, hudby ai. Autori stránok nenesú ziadnu zodpovednost za zverejnené odkazy, komentáre a obsah súborov. Vsetky komentáre, odkazy, súbory ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi sem vkladáte na vlastnú zodpovednost. Autori stránok si vyhradzujú právo cenzúry odkazov, komentárov príp. súborov, ktoré by svojou povahou mohli byt v rozpore zo zákonmi a dobrými mravmi. Dodrzujte pravidlá!

    24/06/2023 23.00.57
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