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1991 - Life Stinks - Mel Brooks = CSFD 67% |

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    1991 - Life Stinks - Mel Brooks = CSFD 67% Názov:1991 - Life Stinks - Mel Brooks = CSFD 67% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.4 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-07-05 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Komedie Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    This is film #24 in the series One Comedy per Day.

    A modern classics of anticapitalist comedy. Uživatelé ČSFD doufají, že jejich jednořádkové povýšenecké poznámky vám zabrání tento film skutečně sledovat. Jak by řekl Groucho Marx: věříte našim recenzím nebo vlastním očím?

    #23 = You Cant Take It With You / Vždyt jsme jen jednou na svete
    #22 = It Happened One Night / Stalo se jedne noci
    #21 = Chambre 212 / Pokoj 212
    #20 = Swing Girls
    #19 = I Not Stupid Too
    #18 = Love in the Afternoon / Odpoledni laska
    #17 = All You wanted to know about sex / Všechno, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o sexu (ale báli jste se zeptat)
    #16 = Made in America
    #15 = Zack and Miri Make a Porno / Zack a Miri toči porno
    #14 = Up in the Air / Litam v tom
    #13 = Arui hashi no shita no warui mizu / Warm Water under The Red Bridge
    #12 = Pride
    #11 = Tajja / Tazza
    #10 = Trotsky
    #9 = A Good Old Fashioned Orgy
    #8 = La Belle Epoque
    #7 = Garoojigi / Tale of Legendary Libido
    #6 = Jist,pit,muž,žena / Eat Drink Man Woman
    #5 = Kikudžiro / Kikujiro no natsu
    #4 = Milijonovy zavod / Rat Race
    #3 = Bourliva svatba / Monsoon Wedding
    #2 = Riba Wanda / Fish Wanda
    #1 = Smim prosit / Shall we dansu



    Život pod psa

       Česko Somrák
       Česko Život smrdí (neoficiální název)
       Francie Life Stinks

    Francie / USA, 1991, 92 min
    Režie: Mel Brooks
    Scénář: Mel Brooks, Rudy De Luca, Steve Haberman
    Kamera: Steven Poster
    Hudba: John Morris
    Hrají: Mel Brooks, Lesley Ann Warren, Jeffrey Tambor, Stuart Pankin, Howard Morris, Rudy De Luca, Billy Barty, Brian Thompson, Christopher Birt, Jennifer Warren, Marianne Muellerleile, Michael Ensign, Larry Cedar, Paul Brinegar, Anthony Messina, John Welsh, Robert Ridgely, Carmen Filpi, Anne Betancourt, Teddy Wilson, Carmine Caridi, Mike Pniewski, Matthew Faison, James Van Patten, Ronny Graham, Brad Grunberg, Ira Miller, Eugene Jackson, Helene Winston, Danny Wells, Stu Gilliam, Sammy Shore, Darrow Igus, Jack DeLeon, Raymond O'Connor, Terrence Williams, Stanley Brock, S. Scott Bullock

    Bohatý a mocný Goddart Bolt (Mel Brooks) se vsadil, že dokáže třicet dní žít na ulici a přežít. Bez střechy nad hlavou, vařený zaživa v zeleninové polévce, sražen k zemi taškou zapáchající stařenky, považovaný za toaletu místním tulákem... Vydrží? (Terva)

    A film about the truth in this country that it can't handle

    This year is the 20th anniversary for Mel Brooks' underrated comedy Life Stinks, which was a departure for Brooks in that it was the first straight story he had done since The Twelve Chairs in 1970. It wasn't a parody of a genre like Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, Silent Movie, and High Anxiety. This was a story trying to show us the plight of the homeless, which is all around us. How many panhandlers do we see on the subway going to work or outside a McDonald's that we brush off? What about the people who wipe windshields down at the Holland Tunnel? These are people who have been thrown away by the system that seems to thrive on keeping the rich in power and not understanding that as Brooks' character says, "Every person has the right to have a place to live." Brooks is showing us that it isn't easy out there and there are dangerous elements that we need to take care of. So why don't we try to deal with this problem? I have the answer from George Carlin's 1992 HBO special: There is no money to be made off the homeless. You need to have a solution that ends homelessness and have the corporate guys steal money in the process instead of just trying to care for your fellow man through human decency, which isn't going to happen because we are a selfish species who only care for our own welfare. As to this film, the best moment to me is when Brooks' character sees a homeless friend has died and he is just being taken away to the morgue. Watch how Brooks is acting in the scene. He realizes that there are many like his friend who have become victims and it is almost due to his past being uncaring about them, as he was in the opening scene, when he doesn't care about consequences to actions he is taking in tearing down people's homes. So why didn't this film do better in this country? Well, yeah, it was released under MGM, which had financial problems and still does, but I have the feeling that even if it had been released on 2000 screens at once, people would not have wanted to see a film that criticizes its country. Brooks himself mentioned how the film became a big hit overseas for him. I guess other countries were more open to our problems. We should not be patting ourselves on the back saying we're a great country. We have our own faults too and we need to look at them. It is so ever true today. The whole bit where Tambor's character bribes Brooks' lawyers to join him in betraying Brooks is just like the Wall Street meltdown of 2008. These guys could have been on Wall Street doing the same thing. I would've loved to have been a judge disbarring the lawyers that pulled this stunt on Brooks. Anyway, this is a film that should've won Best Screenplay at the Oscars as well. I hope that people seek out this film and realize, "There but for the grace of God, go I." In this day and age, this film was an omen.

    Lucyfyre666, pohee,

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