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IObit Smart Defrag Pro RePack (& Portable) |

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    IObit Smart Defrag Pro RePack (& Portable) Názov:IObit Smart Defrag Pro RePack (& Portable) Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Programy - Velikost:29.3 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2022-03-30 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Hard Disk Defragmenter - IObit Smart Defrag Pro RePack (& Portable)

    Version RePack

    Smart Defrag is a defragmenter that allows you to bring the performance of your hard drive to the maximum possible. Based on IObit's latest defragmentation engine and "disk defragmentation at system boot" technology, Smart Defrag is a leading defragmentation tool. It not only defragments files, but also intelligently distributes them on the disk, taking into account the frequency of use, which reduces access time and improves overall system performance. Smart Defrag works quickly and discreetly, automatically performing its functions in the background. The program is great for large capacity hard drives.

    System requirements:
    Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
    Processor 1 GHz or faster
    200 MB free hard disk space

    Torrent IObit Smart Defrag Pro RePack (& Portable) in detail:
    Key features:
    Very fast and efficient defragmentation:
    The use of the IObit engine and the new boot-time defragmentation technology allows you to quickly and efficiently perform the process of defragmenting hard drives. The program is specially designed for modern, large hard drives, which eliminates the long wait for the end of the defragmentation process.
    Maximum Hard Drive Performance:
    Smart Defrag simplifies the structure of the file system by placing frequently used files and directories in fast areas of the disk, which allows the computer to run at maximum speed with high stability.
    Automatic defragmentation mode:
    Smart Defrag runs automatically in the background so it keeps your computer in an optimized state at all times.
    Defragmentation at system boot:
    Boot Time Defrag technology allows you to defragment files during system boot, allowing you to optimize the location of files that cannot be defragmented while the Windows system is active.
    Data security and disk stability:
    Unlike other automatic defragmenters, IObit Smart Defrag does not constantly run analysis and defragmentation processes that damage your hard drive and reduce its uptime. Smart Defrag uses "Safe Intelligence" technology to keep your drives healthy by deciding when and how to defragment.
    Scheduled defragmentation:
    Your computer's performance is best maintained when defragmentation is performed on a regular basis. Smart Defrag offers a flexible way to schedule disk defragmentation according to your needs.
    Easy to use:
    An intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface that allows even novice users to perform optimization operations.

    What's new:
    - Improved compatibility with the latest version of Windows 11
    - Improved SSD detection
    - Improved operations to improve user experience.
    - Fixed minor bugs

    kari1989, mira999, gege, Rojak, Tondik2, Jozef017, hklucka, fisi323, Minulko, cvikar, karelslansko,

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