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2002 - The Quiet American - Phillip Noyce = CSFD 68% |

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    2002 - The Quiet American - Phillip Noyce = CSFD 68% Názov:2002 - The Quiet American - Phillip Noyce = CSFD 68% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.6 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-07-07 Peerov:1 (Seed: 1, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky,Valecny Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Film #8 in a series One Love Story per Day.

    audio=vietnamese-english-french, titulky=SK,CZ

    #1 = A United Kingdom / Spojene kralovstvi
    #2 = Sir / Stači vam laska pane?
    #3 = La prima notte di quiete / Prvna klidni noc
    #4 = Sječaš li se Dolly Bell / Vzpominaš na Dolly Bell
    #5 = Brief Encounter / Pouto nejsilnejši
    #6 = Ai no korida / Korida lasky
    #7 = The United States vs. Billie Holiday

    The author of this story of famous-in-England novelist Graham Green. In story we have 3 components: USA, UK and Vietnam.

    The title is sarcastic. "Quiet" American is in fact not just an alpha male, but also a terrorist mastermind. It is not quite clear (in the movie, not in the book) for whom he works and why (maybe he likes money, maybe he is psychopat who likes murdering people,...) and this is not important. What matters is that his first plan (from his viewpoint of course) goes super well and he manages to kill (not personally, he is alpha mastermind, with a network of beta doers, who plant the explosive on his orders) hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in a public square.

    Some Vietnamese men find out who is the real murderer of their women and children and want revenge.

    The revenge is possible because Quiet Murderer lives in a bubble of his own and doesn't know the first thing about reality of England. He thinks in terms of cliches and supposes that (every) Englishman (in this movie Englishman is a journalist, foreign correspondent) is not only a beta male but also his (albeit platonic and bisexual) willing bottom who is going to join his crusade of symbolically raping (via torrent of bombs which will inundate the country into a mist of terror) Vietnamese women.

    A concrete English specimen in the movie however is not a Tory, so he has no intention of bottoming for QA. Moreover he is an omega male and therefore not        only doesn't give a fuck about QA, but he also doesn't give a fuck about telling not giving a fuck. This fact is at first only very funny to watch, but after the mass murder is successfully executed by QA's betas, this misunderstanding becomes lethal for QA.

    Contrary to QA, Vietnamese men seeking revenge, for reasons which are unclear to us viewers, find it easy to understand omega male. They understand the diffence between Tories (thinks with the head of their government) and Omega (thinks with his dick) very well. And they also know, as does in fact the whole town, that Englishman's dick is pointing into direction of Vietnam, not in some daydreaming fashion, but in a very specific direction of excelent intercontinental sex, twice a day (the actress is really beautiful, if this influences your downloading decisions).

    After mass murder is completed and new one are being planned, there is no time (for a moral person that is) for Liberal neutrality bullshit. There comes a time when Third Way is nonexistent (yes, I know, this is bellow the belly; sorry Guardian) and Englishman's choice becomes Sophie's choice, i.e a binary decision. If he bottoms for QA or pretends Third Way (can't help myself) is possible, thousands of women and children will die. If drinks just one coffee, at correct place and correct time, thousands of Vietnamese women will live and one American alpha male will die.

    If you had, at any point of your life, a serious hard-on situation because of a woman whose taste you didn't wash from your mouth for hours afterwards, you know  five minutes into movie what the end will be. Now this sounds like the movie should be boring, but it is quite the opposite. Please watch once The pervert guide to cinema, Žižek can explain this much better than me. This is why some movies are a real art and some not so much. The more you are sure about the final outcome, the more pleasurable is to continue watching. It is the road, not the final destination, that gives pleasure, in this case at least.

    If you download and watch it, you will understand what word cannot explain.




    Tichý Američan

       USA The Quiet American
       Německo Der stille Amerikaner
       Slovensko Tichý Američan
       Velká Británie The Quiet American

    Drama / Válečný / Romantický
    USA / Německo / Austrálie, 2002, 101 min
    Režie: Phillip Noyce
    Předloha: Graham Greene (kniha)
    Scénář: Christopher Hampton, Robert Schenkkan
    Kamera: Christopher Doyle
    Hudba: Craig Armstrong
    Hrají: Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, Thi Hai Yen Do, Rade Šerbedžija, Tzi Ma, Robert Stanton, Holmes Osborne, Jeff Truman, Khoa Do, Ha Phong Nguyen, Mathias Mlekuz, George Rafael

    Dva muži a žena, pro něž je milostná vášeň důležitější než události kolem nich.
    Saigon, 1952. Stárnoucí a poněkud skeptický reportér deníku London Times Thomas Fowler podléhá sladce dekadentní atmosféře exotického velkoměsta. Pokouší se udržet osobní neutralitu a odmítá se angažovat v komplikované politické situaci země. Saigon ovládají Francouzi usilující o podrobení Vietnamu. Oficiálně zemi ovládá generál Thé, ale Ho Či Minovi komunističtí povstalci ze severu přitom získávají stále větší vliv. Zatímco v ulicích propuká otevřené násilí, Fowler se zoufale upíná k poslední lásce svého života, k osmnáctileté vietnamské tanečnici Phuong. Jeho situaci nečekaně zkomplikuje zdánlivě slušně smýšlející mladík Alden Pyle, který přijel z USA s úkolem pomoci zbídačené zemi... Film natočil režisér Phillip Noyce (Vysoká hra patriotů, Jasné nebezpečí, Svatý). Kromě silného příběhu nabízí zajímavý portrét jednoho místa v jednom konkrétním čase, jenž zároveň zůstává působivou úvahou o odvaze čelit morálním a citovým otřesům. Není to první adaptace stejnojmenného románu britského spisovatele Grahama Greenea, již v roce 1958 jej převedl na filmové plátno Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Postavu Thomase Fowlera ztvárnil Michael Caine (Pravidla moštárny), Aldena Pylea hraje Brendan Fraser (mohli jsme ho vidět v nezávislých snímcích Ještě dýchám, Bohové a monstra nebo v komerčně pojatých titulech Mumie a Mumie se vrací). (Česká televize)

    Remark: In my opinion the above text not only misses the bullseye, but lands in blue, if not even in black. I explained my interpretation. If you believe me or this text, suit yourself. I don't care one way or another. Nobody is forcing you to download something you feel ambivalent about.

    Velmi hezky natočený film o lásce, žárlivosti a lži. Výborné herecké obsazení, kterému vládne Michael Caine jako starý korespondent píšící pro London Times. Jeho roztomilá japonská milenka Do Thi Hai Yen a dravé mládí zahrané Brendanem Fraserem mu dokonale kryjí záda. Milostný trojúhelník, v kterém se dva muži za pomoci lží, lásky a chtíče snaží získat jednu ženu. To vše se odehravá na pozadí Vietnamské války s Francouzi. Jde tu o klidnou poetickou výpravu do duše stárnoucího muže. Jako kniha jistě perfektně napsané. Jako film vyzní jeho krása a děj jen z polovičky a nedostane se nám plného pochopení a v žití do hlavního hrdiny. Jako odpočinkový film na sobotní večer však krásné a příjemné.
    (I don't endorse this opinion. I will also not comment it. It is called democracy.)

    Výborná adaptace geniální knihy Grahama Greenea. Tichý Američan - tohle metaforické spojení je tak vystihující a obrazně popisuje politickou podstatu světa druhé poloviny 20. století... Ve všech koutech světa se to hemží na první pohled spořádanými tichými civilisty s americkým pasem, kteří ale ve skutečnosti na daném místě tahají za nitky a řídí běh věcí... Phillipu Noycemu se podařilo natočit přesvědčivý strhující politický thriller z omamně dekadentního Vietnamu 50. let, který dovedně zobrazuje škrabošky na tvářích jednotlivých aktérů a postupně je z nich snímá a odkrývá svět politiky, intrik a vyšších zájmů, díky němuž umírají ti skutečně obyčejní tišší lidé... Nutno vyzdvihnout i tradičně dobrý výkon Michaela Cainea a překvapivě neakčně obsazeného Brendana Frasera, i on umí obstojně hrát. Zajímavé je ale charakterové nevyhranění obou rolí - režisér tu nepracuje s charakterem klaďáka a v opozitu záporáka, divák si musí své sympatie a antipatie přerozdělit na základě jiného klíče... Historický artový film s romantizujícím motivem a politickými přesahy, není sice geniální, ale je téměř vynikající...

    Michael Caine - Intense, Brooding, Sympathetic, Questioning
    lawprof30 November 2002
    I don't understand why the studio satraps thought it necessary to embargo this film after 9/11, requiring persuasion on Michael Caine's part to get it to limited release now so as to qualify for Oscar nominations. The American role in Viet Nam is the subject of hundreds of books and countless articles - and not a few films. There is nothing unhealthy about the continuing debate and contrary to what some opine, I doubt American policy vis-a-vis Iraq has much lineal connection to the troubled saga of U.S. involvement in Indo-China, or its partial successor in hapless interest, the Republic of Viet Nam.

    The Graham Green story has been filmed before (1958) but this is a pungent, attention-grabbing version, filmed in various parts of Viet Nam. The sultry and grasping humidity of the land almost comes off the screen. The story takes place in 1952 as the inept and poorly led French stumble towards their ultimate debacle at Dien Bien Phu (anyone interested in this story should start and finish with Bernard Fall's remarkable account of the French Army's Super-Alamo).

    Caine, a Brit named Fowler, assures Brendan Fraser, a putative U.S. humanitarian officer named Pyle, that he is a "reporter," not a "correspondent." The difference to the easy-living Fowler is that the latter has a viewpoint, perhaps even a cause, while the former, as Sergeant Friday would say, only wants the facts.

    This film really belongs to Caine and Fraser but one other character, the stunning Do Thi Hai Yep, Fowler's live-in girlfriend, deserves mention. She lights up the screen with both her calculating passion for, first, Fowler and then Pyle. Her character is realistically complex: I knew a number of such women when I was an Army officer and although the phrase isn't used here, she's a perfect example of the desperately ambitious, beautiful mistress whose only long-term goal is to be taken to "The Land of the Big P.X."

    A series of experiences transform both Fowler and Pyle. Several of the scenes of violence are real enough but the music is intrusive. You don't hear music when people are dying around you. At least not performed by an orchestra.

    This is the third recent film in which Michael Caine distinguishes himself by the depth of his acting (the others being "The Cider House Rules" and "Last Orders"). Caine's Fowler leaves us wondering as to what his motives are as he slowly changes before us. There's no clear answer and room for argument. His Fowler is both disturbing and ingratiating.

    The audience in the East Village theater where I saw "The Quiet American" today clearly was made up of folks whose minds were settled as to U.S. involvement in Indo-China, never mind the later escalation in Viet Nam. Their grunts and laughs at certain points reflected their views. But the story told here is a faithful mirror of what in 1952 were complex questions in a scary world made scary by communism, not the liberal democracies. That mistakes of a grievous nature were made may be clear today but the road was ill-illuminated then. This film, and Caine's portrayal in particular, reflects the contemporary confusion and the unravelling of any hopes for a peaceful reunification of the two Viet Nams after the French defeat.

    I hope this film gets a very wide distribution after it finishes its two-week Oscar-qualifying run.






    margharethe, pohee,

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