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Svatba ve třech / Imagine Me & You (2005)[1080p] = CSFD 68% |

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    Svatba ve třech / Imagine Me & You (2005)[1080p] = CSFD 68% Názov:Svatba ve třech / Imagine Me & You (2005)[1080p] = CSFD 68% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.5 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-20 Peerov:3 (Seed: 2, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Komedie,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 10

    audio=english, titulky=slovak



    Příběh dívky, které se ve svůj svatební den zamiluje... ale ne do svědka. Heck a Rachel jsou šťastný pár, kteří se chystají vkročit do své společné budoucnosti. V kostele však Rachel zahlédne neočekávaného hosta. V tu chvíli zjistí, že Heck pravděpodobně není ten pravý. Samozřejmě pokud to spolu nezkusí, nebudou to nikdy vědět. Začíná romantická, vtipná a také bolestná cesta, kterou zná každý, kdo byl někdy očarován láskou.

    Zaujímavý lesbický príbeh. Slušné natočený film, v ktorom hlavná hrdinka v deň, keď stojí pred oltárom zistí, že existuje láska na prvý pohľad a že stačí pár sekúnd na to, aby sa dokázala zamilovať na celý život. Život sa jej značne skomplikuje, pretože objektom jej lásky nie je muž ale roztomilá kvetinárka Lucy. Skvelé herecké výkony dvoch krások - Piper Perabo a hlavne Leny Headey. Voľná, ľahká, oddychová filmová komédia s názvom Imagine Me & You, ktorej navyše dominujú ako uveriteľné herecké výkony, tak zaujímavý námet či skvele napísaný scenár. Filmu navyše nechýba ani dynamika, vnútorný rytmus, napätie a hlavne koniec, aký sme si všetci priali.

    Does more for Gay people than Brokeback
    I viewed this movie at the Maui Film Festival, Castle Theater. The cast is fabulous making every scene believable and real. The entire movie keeps your attention to the max and you cannot help but love all the characters. A beautiful reenactment of real gay love without all the language and Sex usually shown in a film of gay love. This film will do more to make the straight world understand and appreciate that there is another lifestyle that is not all sex, and weirdos. A far better look at a "Gay love story" than Brokeback mountain could ever hope to be. Don't miss seeing this film, Excellent cast, Great setting, and in addition, an excellent sound track.

    "Imagine Me & You" may in fact be one of the best romantic comedies ever to hit the big screen

    "Imagine Me & You" is not your typical love story. It is the story of a girl named Rachel (Piper Perabo) who is getting married to her long term fiancée Heck (Matthew Goode). At the wedding ceremony, Rachel locks eyes with the flower girl Luce (Lena Headey) and feels something that she has never felt before. After the wedding, Rachel invites Luce over for some dinner to thank her for such a wonderful flower arrangement and to help set up Heck's friend Coop (Darren Boyd) with Luce. Before dinner, Heck asks Luce if she has a husband or a boyfriend but to Heck's surprise he finds out that she has neither and is indeed attracted to members of the same sex. Heck shocked by the news, alerts Rachel. But Rachel seems to be uninterested in the news and just wants to know why she is so drawn to Luce. Funny and touching moments ensue…

    I was lucky enough to be invited to a free screening for this film. This is definitely a film I would have been happy to pay for. This movie is often funny but is never over the top. "Imagine Me & You" is definitely a breathe of fresh air when it comes to the whole romantic comedy genre. I think the whole new spin with homosexual love stories is helping this genre and allowing some fresh new material to be used.

    I personally really like Piper Perabo. I first saw her in the movie "Lost & Delirious" which is a wonderful and beautifully told tale. After seeing that movie, I was blown away by her performance. But soon after she wasn't in much and kind of started to do bad mainstream movies like "The Cave" but now with "Imagine Me & You" I can say that she's back to where she belongs. Piper plays Rachel like the role was tailor made for her. Her performance is touching and believable. Matthew Goode also stars as the lovable and sensible husband. Again I liked Matthew Goode from the first time I saw him in "Chasing Liberty". Goode has definitely come a long way from "Chasing Liberty" and has proved himself to be a worthy addition to Hollywood as an actor. He plays a very likable but caring husband in this film. He is rather solid in his performance and delivers some nice laughs. Also Lena Headley is a joy to watch on screen and played her role flawlessly. I really liked all the performances including several of the smaller roles that I haven't mentioned.

    I never heard of Ol Parker before I watched this movie. Mr. Parker was both the writer and director of this film. I personally think that Mr. Parker has a career ahead of him. The problem is will he be able to keep his movies as fresh as this movie? Mr. Parker did a great job capturing the true emotions of the characters and showing how hard it is to be something that isn't always acceptable by everyone. I really liked the director's choice of music as well. The Turtles song at the end really fit in with the moment.

    Overall, I would have paid full price admission to see this movie and probably will go back to the theater sometime and see it again. I think the homosexual love stories will be a big hit and make people feel a little more accepting of someone's sexual choice. The movie is definitely a feel good movie with a unique twist and a good amount of laughs. At the screening, the film had a very good audience and was loved by most. People clapped and stayed till the end of the credits which doesn't happen that often. The movie made people laugh, cry, and overall feel good about life. "Imagine Me & You" is definitely a movie I would like to see more of in the years to come.


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