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2010 - Bloomington - Fernanda Cardoso = CSFD 60% |

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    2010 - Bloomington - Fernanda Cardoso = CSFD 60% Názov:2010 - Bloomington - Fernanda Cardoso = CSFD 60% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:696.4 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-21 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 32



    USA, 2010, 83 min
    Režie: Fernanda Cardoso

    Jacqueline (Sarah Stouffer), bývalá dětská hvězda sci-fi seriálu Neptun 26, se po letech domácího studia rozhodne zkusit štěstí na univerzitě v Bloomingtonu. Ostatní spolužáci na ni však kvůli její hvězdné minulosti pohlížejí značně nedůtklivě a těžko ji mezi sebe přijímají. Při své snaze zapadnout poznává Catherine (Allison McAtee), mladou učitelku psychologie, s níž vzápětí prožije zakázaný, ale o to bouřlivější vztah.

    Když se mi na druhý den o filmu zdá, řekla bych, že mě určitě nějak zasáhl. Bloomington mě chytl hned na začátku, výběrem zajímavých hereček a tématem "učitel a žák". Začátek povedený, říkám si, uvidímě jak dál. Asi do poloviny filmu to byla úžasná podívaná, bohužel část od "Saturnu" (kdo viděl ví) už je, jak jinak, zase zkažená. Nicméně si tento snímek určitě zaslouží něco mezi 3 a 4* a já ho zhlédnu aspoň ještě jednou!

    well-written and executed film

    the storyline is simple enough; a former child star,jackie who was on a hit sci-fi TV series grows up and decides to leave the show business and pursue an education at a local college where she starts mixing with her peers and getting to live life away from TV sets and other fellow actors. she clearly wants to live a regular life and start doing things on her own terms but gains un-wanted interest, admiration or jealousy of being famous by her her peers.

    while at a department mixer, she meets and is instantly attracted to psychology professor catherine stark who has a reputation of seducing her students. so it's not much of a surprise when these two start a secret affair. by all accounts, catherine is attentive, giving and caring towards her much younger lover. the two lead actresses had great chemistry and enough sexual tension between them for a believable relationship.

    while controversial student and teacher relationship have been portrayed on screen before ie. loving annabelle and madchen in uniform, this one is legitimate as both are consenting adults and this does not take place in a boarding/high school. jackie is an adult who has made up her mind to further her education and start living in the real world.

    i had read reviews where people were disappointed with how the storyline ended since both characters did not end up together. while attending school, jackie is offered an opportunity to reprise her role in the hit TV show that made her famous to the big screen. she is hesitant and un-sure if she is ready to make that step back into the show business as it would clearly change the course of her life and relationship with catherine which at that point is flourishing.

    i felt the ending to the film was left on a positive note and was realistic. since jackie hasn't identified her sexuality she isn't ready to go public with her relationship with catherine as it could possibly jeopardize and end her future career. this part is brought up in the film during one of the climatic scenes.

    i really liked the film and thought it was well-paced, directed and excellently acted.

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