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Divka s perlou / Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) = CSFD 72% |

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    Divka s perlou / Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) = CSFD 72% Názov:Divka s perlou / Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) = CSFD 72% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.8 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-22 Peerov:2 (Seed: 2, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky,Zivotopisny Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Dievča s perlou
    Dívka s perlou

    Dráma / Romantický / Životopisný
    Veľká Británia / Luxembursko, 2003, 95 min
    Réžia: Peter Webber
    Predloha: Tracy Chevalier (kniha)
    Scenár: Olivia Hetreed
    Kamera: Eduardo Serra
    Hudba: Alexandre Desplat
    Hrajú: (Scarlett Johansson - ), Colin Firth, Tom Wilkinson, Judy Parfitt, Cillian Murphy, Essie Davis, Joanna Scanlan, Alakina Mann, Rollo Weeks, Anna Popplewell, Geoff Bell, John McEnery, Gintare Parulyte, Claire Johnston, Chris McHallem, Gabrielle Reidy

    audio=english, titulky=czech,croatian,english

    Remark. This torrent was dead, so I added a new one, which will me monitored weakly and can be restarted on request.

    Delft, Nizozemsko, 1665. Po otcově oslepnutí přichází sedmnáctiletá Griet do města, aby přijala místo služky v domě malíře Johannese Vermeera. Vnitřně osamělý umělec brzy objevuje, že plachá služebná má nejen cit pro barvy a kompozici, ale že dokáže chápat i jeho složitý vnitřní svět. Hodiny společně strávené v malířově ateliéru se mění ve vzácný čas prodchnutý mlčenlivým souzněním. Mezi Griet a umělcem vzniká křehký vztah, který malířova rodina - především jeho žárlivá, majetnická a věčně těhotná manželka Catharina - nemůže nevycítit. Griet však zaujme i Vermeerova bohatého intrikánského mecenáše van Ruijvena, který malíře donutí, aby dívku namaloval. Začíná vznikat jeden z nejobdivovanějších a nejtajemnějších obrazů světa Kameraman filmu Eduardo Serra získal Cenu Asociace losangeleských kritiků a ocenění na MFF v San Sebastiánu, kde režisér Peter Webber získal cenu C.I.C.A.E. Film byl nominován na Cenu Alexandera Kordy za nejlepší britský titul roku.



    Nejsem žádný kunsthistorik, ale jméno Vermeer mi není neznámé. Ani jeho postavy velmi často pózující u okna, u toho okna, které se budoucí "možná" dívka s perlovou naušnící zdráhala umýt, aby "mistr nepřišel o to správné světlo". Bledulka (Scarlett Johansson - ), zadumaný Colin Firth i jeho železná tchýně - nádherné postavy, hudba, kamera, z které by Vermeer vstal z mrtvých a možná praštil štětcem, jak mu byla věrná a oddaná..... prostě esteticko-poetická lahůdka.

    A cinematic homage to 17th Century Flemish painters (not just Vermeer).
    Girl with a Pearl Earring is based on the novel by Tracy Chevalier, who tells the story of a forbidden love affair (pardon the cliché) between painting master, Johannes Vermeer (Colin Firth), and the only woman who seemed to appreciate his work, a timid young maid named Grit ((Scarlett Johansson - )).

    Grit is hired to work in the Vermeer household. Had you not known anything about Vermeer prior to viewing the film, it seems as though he is some deformed creature the family wishes to keep secret. The family always linger near the door to Vermeer's studio, as though something dangerous was contained within. And, as the story goes along, you might get the impression that he is a nasty fellow, the way everyone approaches the studio so delicately, careful not to disturb anything. Says one maid to Grit, he doesn't like people bothering him when he is working.

    In a way, Johannes is a real bastard to his wife, children, and mother-in-law. As a painter, they're never sure whether he is going to get the commissions from the arrogant, but jolly rich patron Van Ruijven (Tom Wilkinson), or whether they'll be escaping debtors by fleeing in the middle of the night.

    Grit is curious, and at the same time, smitten with Johannes Vermeer, probably because of the initial mystery. She gains an interest in Vermeer, and in a way, also becomes his painting apprentice, helping him to mix paints, making creative suggestions about the paintings, and so forth. Vermeer introduces her to a rather different world that Grit has never known. And the two for a silent bond, a love for each other. Johannes appreciate's Grits company as a comfortable contrast to his mother-in-law, children, and especially his wife, he only seem to try to discourage his silly hobbies.

    But, Johannes and Grit cannot act on their feelings for each other, at least not aloud. Divorce was highly out of the question, for one thing. But second, Johanne's was dependent on the arrogant Van Rijn for his commissions, and Van Rijn wanted Grit. Disgusted as Johannes may have been, and only slightly able to protect her (you'll see what I mean in the finale), he can't totally reject his financer. Plus, there is the barrier of master and maid, presenting a rigid social structure. And for Grit, she can only play out her affair with Johannes vicariously through her boyfriend, the Butcher.

    Even if the story is not grounded in fact, or is based on little fact, the story of how Vermeer's painting, The Girl With a Pearl Earring came to be is one that presents a little mystery and romance to a painting. You can find something to appreciate it, beyond just consideration of the artistic elements of lighting or coloring, etc. In fact, art is always more fun with an intriguing story behind it (consider the controversy behind Whistler's 'Peacock Room').

    I thought the movie did a fantastic job of recreating 17th century Netherlands. But what you may not know without having seen many 17 century painting, is that nearly every scene in the movie is constructed from 17 th century paintings, of Vermeers, Frans Halls, Van Dyke, and many others. The entire movie is, as one other viewer coined it, a "cinematic painting," but not just because it is a movie about the beauty of one painting, but because it is a movie entirely constructed from paintings. It was really incredible how precise everything is. Lighting, placement of figures. The actors would have to walk around a room and then at one point, hit their points precisely (props and all) to capture that one moment reflected in the painting from which it was taken from. This is really a great film for the art direction alone.

    joshi59, bilk,

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    24/06/2023 23.17.26
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