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1991 - Ruan Lingyu - Kwan Stanley = CSFD 76% |

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    1991 - Ruan Lingyu - Kwan Stanley = CSFD 76% Názov:1991 - Ruan Lingyu - Kwan Stanley = CSFD 76% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:1.6 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-22 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky,Zivotopisny Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Ruan Lingyu
    Hongkong 阮玲玉
    Hongkong Yuen Ling Yuk
    Veľká Británia Center Stage

    Dráma / Romantický / Životopisný
    Hongkong, 1991, 118 min (Special Edition: 154 min, Director's Cut: 147 min)
    Réžia: Stanley Kwan
    Scenár: Kang-Chien Chiu, Peggy Chiao
    Kamera: Hang-Sang Poon
    Hudba: Johnny Chen
    Hrajú: Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Cecilia Yip, Waise Lee, Stanley Kwan, Lawrence Ng, Paul Chang

    audio=cantonese, titulky=english,korean



    Yuen Ling-yuk je příběh o hvězdě němého filmu Ruan Ling-yu, známé jako Greta Garbo čínské kinematografie. Film spojuje dokumentární záběry s vytvořením dobové atmosféry, životopisné okouzlení s hlubokou zvídavostí a úchvatné historické záznamy s barevnou simulací stejných scén natočených s úmyslem odhalit minulost.

    Režisér si vzal na paškál zajímavé téma, chtěl představit atmosféru let 30tých ve filmovém průmyslu v Číně, skrze hereckou hvězdu Ruan Ling-yu, která byla tehdy velmi slavná. Ale tento snímek není obyčejný dokument, nebo biografie, je to zároveň také semidokument, paradokument, uvidíte staré záběry, pokusy o rekonstrukci, výpovědi pamětníků, názory současného obsazení na danou problematiku. V čele skvostná Maggie Cheung, bez které by tento film neměl šanci, dále Carina Lau, Tony Leung Kai Fai. Velmi nebovyklý a zajímavý snímek, zejména ty rozhovory s herci. Velmi dobře se zdařilo evokovat atmosféru dob němého filmu, herectví, které tehdy bylo značně jiné než dnes, kromě toho se nevynechává ani atmosféra a problémy doby, které hýbaly veřejným životem.

    beautiful picture of 1930's Chinese movie industry

    I'm a novice at Chinese history, especially in the area of periods of film, and, being American, I'm particularly fascinated by it and comparing it to period pieces set in the 1930's US (a la "Cat's Meow" or "Miller's Crossing"). I was particularly taken with Centre Stage's attention to detail in period dress, music, and movie deal-making among the industry. As opposed to American movies focusing of stars/starlets' merciless climb to the top of the industry, Maggie Cheung plays Ruan as a kind, clever, and talented actress whose versatility and assertiveness helps her move beyond pigeonholing by the industry to play a wide range of parts--revolutionary, new woman, peasant-girl.

    One part it seems which has been overlooked in the few reviews I've read is how this image of feminism illustrates China's version of liberation. Cheung plays Ruan as both a feminist in charge of her career, as well as a woman who is in control of her scandalous affair with Lawrence Ng's character. The difference between her and him being that men are understood to have concubines and are forgiven for the indecency, while Maggie's career is ruined (though she never apologizes for it in any way). Traditional roles still trump profession in 1930's China, but the sadness of it all being retold shows a strong Ruan overcoming every possible trap--losing a career over an affair, especially--and maintaining her desires for success.

    For Cheung's performance, it never wavered. I was a big fan of hers in "Irma Vep" and she was just a strong in this role playing Ruan. Effortless shifts between emotion ("So, you're showing me your true face," her lover says as she blows smoke in his face obstinately, then switches to a kindly-wife smile--is she practicing her role in the movie, or is that really her?), graceful poise courtesy of the era before slouching was cool, private display of emotion, and elegant role-play as mistress and ex-wife with Tony Leung.

    I'd have to know more about the history of Ruan to know if this is an accurate portrayal of her life, but the film-making style of inter-cutting Cheung playing her in the 30's while interviews with Ruan's colleagues from that time as they are interviewed by the director of the movie is a fascinating way to present her history. Is it a bio-pic? Is it a historical fiction? Is it a retrospective? It's all and more.

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