If you ask a young Slovak/Czech antifashist what is the cult movie of the international antifa brotherhood, they all say it is the Great Dictator (1940, a comedy directed by Charlie Chaplin, a rare fine example of pre-war English stock; I hope that you are aware of basics of English history, in particular about the existence of strong, pre-1941, English fashist momevent).
But before the Great Dictator there was THIS, a unique ode to humanism en large, standing as a solitary giant, a monument to all form of humanity whose destruction was already being contemplated by evil lovebirds, Benito & Adolf. (Mel Brooks, Producers). The only two things hated by Benito and Adolf which are not present in Freaks, are good sex (it was almost hundred years ago, when good sex was abundantly practised inside the movement and also published in underground literature and filmed in secred, but still viewed as not yet suitable for presentation in public movie cinemas, so Freaks is a romantic love story) and same sex love (done by Madchen a year earlier and not repeated). For 8 years it was The cult movie of antifashists, at least in English speaking countries.
It is a very easy and pleasant viewing in 2023 still. If you missed (it is featured in 1001 Movies you must see in your lifetime; James Bond crap is not there, I think; even if it is, it's still crap you shouldn't waste your time with) be sure not pass this one out.
Complete name : Freaks.1932.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media
Codec ID : isom (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size : 1.03 GiB
Duration : 1 h 2 min
Overall bit rate : 2 384 kb/s
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Writing application : Lavf58.67.100
ID : 2
Format : AAC LC
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity
Codec ID : mp4a-40-2
Duration : 1 h 2 min
Source duration : 1 h 2 min
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 128 kb/s
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Channel layout : L R
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
Frame rate : 46.875 FPS (1024 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 57.0 MiB (5%)
Source stream size : 57.0 MiB (5%)
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USA Freaks
Slovensko Obludy
Velká Británie Freaks
USA, 1932, 64 min
Režie: Tod Browning
Scénář: Willis Goldbeck, Charles MacArthur
Kamera: Merritt B. Gerstad
Hrají: Wallace Ford, Leila Hyams, Olga Baclanova, Roscoe Ates, Harry Earles, Daisy Earles, Schlitze, Daisy Hilton, Violet Hilton, Josephine Joseph, Johnny Eck, Frances O´Connor, Peter Robinson, Olga Roderick, Koo Koo, Prince Randian, Martha Morris, Elvira Snow, Jenny Lee Snow, Elizabeth Green, Edward Brophy, Tom London, Louise Beavers, John Aasen, Ernie Adams, Rose Dione, Angelo Rossitto, Albert Conti, Henry Victor, Sidney Bracey, Murray Kinnell, Hooper Atchley, Mathilde Comont, Matt McHugh, Michael Visaroff
Tod Browning ako rozprávač exceluje. Presným psychologickým štetcom nám predstavuje handicapované bytosti ako ľudí, ktorí dokážu ľúbiť, túžiť, snívať i žiarliť. A v ich stavaní do konfliktu so zdravými ľuďmi, ktorí sú tu tými pravými “freaks”, rozprávačsky víťazí. Ale to sú iba kúsky zo skladačky, ktorá ako celok predsa len nemá plnohodnotný filmový dopad na diváka, túžiaceho aj po niečom viac, než iba vidieť dovtedy nevidené (napríklad bezrukého, beznohého mrzáka zapaľujúc si cigaretu). Zápletka je pomerne banálna, s ľahkým resumé. A okrem nutného uznania Browningovej odvahy natočiť niečo také v 30. rokoch dvadsiateho storočia, zanecháva iba neobvyklú skúsenosť a námet na krátku diskusiu. Preto nedávam najvyššie hodnotenie.
Velice obskurní film, vyrobený u studia MGM. Taková malá zajímavost ve filmu vystupovali opravdu znetvoření lidé a různé hříčky přírody např: bezruký a beznohý muž z britské Guyany, který si ve filmu balí a zapaluje cigarety jen pomocí svých úst, princ Randian-oživlý trup, Olga Rodericková-vousatá žena, Martha Morrisová-bezruká kráska, Pete Robinson-živoucí kostrači či Joseph/Josephine-napůl muž napůl žena aj. hříčky přírody. A proto na sebe zásah cenzury nedal dlouho čekat. Viz. např. kontroverzní námět filmu v podobě propagace křiklavých sloganů: "Může normální žena skutečně milovat trpaslíka"? "Či mohou mít spolu siamská dvojčata pohlavní styk"? "Nebo jakého pohlaví je vůbec člověk který je zpola muž a zpola žena"? Odpověď na sebe nedala dlouho čekat. Za všechny skutečné postavy ať už za siamská dvojčata Daisy a Violet, živé lidské torzo Randion, normální půvabnou akrobatku Cleo (Olga Baclan) či za jejího milence Hercula (Harry Victor), dobrý scénář a samozřejmě za téměř hororovou atmosféru, dávám nakonec nejvyšší hodnocení.
Kouzelně bizarní bizarnost. A po více jak šestasedmdesáti letech snad ještě více než v době vzniku. Tady je tolik nápadů a originality, že je jí až pro tak krátkou stopáž škoda. Spousta toho pak vyznívá do ztracena. Výsledku mnoho nenapomáhá ani problém, který potopil o rok dříve již Draculu. A to Browningova statická nenápaditá režie.
Don't Be Fooled
Don't let people convince you that "Freaks" is a horror movie, because it isn't. It's actually a quite sad and sympathetic look at the way abnormalities were treated in the early part of the 20th century, and has direct parallels to the obsession with physical perfection causing eating disorders today. Tod Browning of course asks us to consider who are the bigger freaks: those with deformed bodies or those with deformed souls? The two "normal" people who are out to cheat and steal are monstrous, whereas the freaks are quite likable and charming. The ending is disturbing to be sure, but it's hard to condemn the freaks for acts that seem largely justified.
Is it a coincidence that in several shots showing Cleopatra reclining on a sofa, she appears to be deformed herself (in one shot it looks as if she has no legs). Has anybody else noticed this? "Freaks" was obviously way ahead of its time. There's a very interesting documentary on the DVD about its reception in 1932; it bombed and pretty much ruined Browning's career. Thank God that the general public is not allowed to be the final arbiter of a film's value. Think how many priceless films we would have lost by now if that were the case.
A Timeless and Touching Tale of Outcasts
It's interesting to me that this film is viewed as offensive. People say that these people are being made fun of and exploited. I wouldn't like to comment on how they were treat on set or anything but I will say that they all see to enjoying them selfs for the most part and as for being made fun of, I think the total opposite is happening.
This movie came out in 1932 so before I watched it I also was nervous that these people would be used to make others laugh at their expense but it was the furthest thing from the truth. This film hands its subject matter with such care and deft that I was astounded that it came out in 1932.
It can be like looking at window into the past as sometimes it almost plays like a documentary due to the fact that most of these actors were actually circus performers. There are so many scenes where the performers are just relaxing and chatting to each other. It shows people they are just like us, it doesn't mater if they look different. It shows them doing mundane things like hanging washing, struggling with problems like infidelity. It shows ignorant people that they are human just like you.
I think the title "Freaks" is interesting. I think there is two ways to look at it. The first way is the obvious and offensive way demeaning the performers but I think by the end of the film the only freaks in this movie are the people who look normal. The movie shows this makeshift family coming together for each other, the only people who are outcasts are the able bodied "normal people". I think that is one way to interpret it any way or maybe I am reading into it.
That is the interesting thing about this movie. You can read a lot into it and it is never clear what the director was really trying to say as another interesting part is all of the performers are shown to be good people, kind people for the most part friendly and loving. Once again the only truly evil people in this movie are the people who are able bodied people. The reason I lean to the side of the director was showing these people are simply just people is it is framed as shocking and wrong when bad things happen to the performers and I don't think it is ever played for laughs.
It also really bothers me that this movie is labelled a horror movie. It is a drama. There isn't really any horror elements to be found.
One more thing I just want to point out is that I am astounded how much Ryan Murphy took from this movie for season 4 of American Horror Story. Like I think his only reference point for "freak shows" was this movie. Just a stray observation.
So I would say definitely watch this movie. It is only short as it was cut down due to the fact people believed it was too outrageous and offensive. It has a lot of heart and is really head of it's time.
Visit This Sideshow at Your Peril
A forest glade somewhere in Europe. A warm, sunny day with children playing on the grass. But the camera moves closer and reveals that something is terribly wrong. For these are not children, but tragically misshapen human beings. Pinheads. Dwarfs. A young man with only half a body. A man without arms or legs. These are the Freaks.
In 1932, director Tod Browning, fresh from his success with DRACULA, was instructed by Irving Thalberg to top FRANKENSTEIN. He succeeded. The resulting film was considered so ghastly that it was banned in Britain for 30 years. It is the strangest film MGM ever released.
Browning wanted to tell a tale of love, greed & revenge set in a circus, most particularly in the sideshow of human anomalies. He scoured Europe & America for the perfect cast. He got them: Violet & Daisy Hilton, the celebrated Siamese twins; dwarf brother & sister Harry & Daisy Earles; Johnny Eck the Half Boy (a good actor, he will remain in your mind a long time); the tragic Josephine Joseph, a hermaphrodite; as well as a human skeleton, armless girls and the female pinheads, among others.
While the plot is exploitive & the title tasteless, these people show us glimpses of their hearts, some of the agony of their condition and make us wonder, `What if I'd been born as one of them?'
The rest of the cast is made up of MGM stock players Leila Hyams, Wallace Ford, Edward Brophy, Olga Baclanova and the screen's champion stutterer Roscoe Ates.
The plot is simple. A beautiful trapeze artist marries a dwarf for his money, then plots his murder with her lover, the circus strong man. The subsequent action is both horrifying & strangely satisfying. Various scenes - the Freaks' Banquet, the chase through the storm - are among the most bizarre ever filmed. You won't soon forget the time you spend with the FREAKS.
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