Complete name : Sarafina.1992.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media
Codec ID : isom (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size : 1.64 GiB
Duration : 1 h 38 min
Overall bit rate : 2 383 kb/s
Frame rate : 23.976 FPS
Writing application : Lavf58.67.100
ID : 2
Format : AAC LC
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity
Codec ID : mp4a-40-2
Duration : 1 h 38 min
Source duration : 1 h 38 min
Source_Duration_LastFrame : -11 ms
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 129 kb/s
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Channel layout : L R
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
Frame rate : 46.875 FPS (1024 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 90.7 MiB (5%)
Source stream size : 90.7 MiB (5%)
Default : Yes
Alternate group : 1
mdhd_Duration : 5919904
audio=english+zulu, titulky=english
Drama / Muzikál
Francie / Jihoafrická republika / Velká Británie / USA, 1992, 117 min
Režie: Darrell Roodt
Scénář: William Nicholson, Mbongeni Ngema
Kamera: Mark Vicente
Hudba: Stanley Myers
Hrají: Whoopi Goldberg, Tertius Meintjes, Leleti Khumalo, John Kani, Miriam Makeba, Mary Twala, Robert Whitehead, Mbongeni Ngema
Film Sarafina! představuje těžkou dobu apartheidu v Jižní Africe z pohledu mladé studentky. Sarafina (Leleti Khumalo) je vystavena dvěma odlišným proudům - podrobení se režimu nebo boji proti němu. Velký vliv na ni přitom mají nebojácní spolužáci a moudrá učitelka Mary Masembuko (Whoopi Goldberg).
Příběh zachycuje hrdinský protest studentů, který vedl až k vyhlášení stavu nouze v roce 1976. Mnoho žáků přitom padlo za oběť krutým vojákům, nebo skončilo ve vězení.
Full of joy and tears - what a gem!
I bought this cheap from the rental remnant at our local store. It was in almost mint condition, and I'd never heard of it before. Clearly nobody else had either.
I can't believe my luck. You go through the whole realm of emotions and it attempts to get over a complex message - the very moral and non-triumphalist stance of the Mandela Party, undoubtedly. Despite its enormous length (I had to watch it in two sittings) - it was like a book one couldn't put down. Perhaps the songs are not all that memorable, but the spirit of the thing glows on forever. I cannot understand comments that a musical (clearly designed for stage) is not realistic! I've seen "South Pacific" and read the book too, and can guarantee that musical is not realistic compared to the book. I'll treasure this little find until it wears out. One day they'll make this again on a better budget.
Good Movie Filled with a Message of Hope
A DAMN GOOD MOVIE! One that is seriously underrated. The songs that the children sing in the movie gave me a sense of their pain, but also their hope for the future. Whoopi Goldberg puts in a good performance here, but the best performance throughout the whole movie is that of the actress who plays the title character. I wish she was in more movies.
Hugh Masekela, RIP
In 1992, South Africa's transition away from four decades of institutionalized racism was underway, so it made sense to release a movie about apartheid. There had been a couple of movies about the topic by this point (Cry Freedom, A World Apart, A Dry White Season), but to my knowledge no famous movie had featured black South Africans as the main characters until "Sarafina!". It makes clear that the apartheid government was a militaristic, near fascist regime - sending armed guards into the schools to make sure that the black students only learn the government-approved syllabus - but also that the black majority knew that they had power in their numbers. It's got some of the most impressive music.
While Whoopi Goldberg's presence gets touted, another important cast member is singer Miriam Makeba. Makeba was one of the most famous activists in the country. Here she plays the mother of the title character, working as a domestic servant for a white family. When Sarafina goes to visit her mother, the employer casually greets her. Cordial though it may seem, it's clear that this white family will never accept Sarafina or Sarafina's mother as their equals.
We could be cynical and say that even since the end of apartheid, conditions remain the same for blacks white many of the whites still cling to racist attitudes. Even so, it's important to understand the history, especially since the apartheid government did things like send troops to Angola to back an autocrat against the country's independence movement.
And yes, the recently deceased Hugh Masekela did some of the music.
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