Celý název a cesta: C:\Users\oem\Downloads\Sběratelé kostí 10.série\sberatele-kosti-10x02.avi
Formát: AVI
Formát/: Audio Video Interleave
Velikost souboru: 387 MiB
Duration/String: 41mn 31s
Celkový BitRate: 1 303 Kbps
ID: 1
Formát: MPEG Audio
Format_Version: Version 1
Format_Profile: Layer 3
CodecID: 55
/: MP3
Duration/String: 41mn 31s
Bit rate: 192 Kbps
Kanál(y): 2 kanály
Sampling rate: 48,0 KHz
StreamSize/String: 57,0 MiB (15%)
Interleave_Duration/String: 40 ms (1.00 video frames)
Interleave_Preload/String: 478 ms
media info 2:
Celý název a cesta: C:\Users\oem\Downloads\Sběratelé kostí 10.série\sberatele-kosti-10x22.mp4
Formát: MPEG-4
Format_Profile: Sony PSP
CodecID/String: MSNV (MSNV/isom/mp42)
Velikost souboru: 438 MiB
Duration/String: 40mn 49s
Celkový BitRate: 1 501 Kbps
Encoded date: UTC 2015-08-18 21:00:32
Tagged date: UTC 2015-08-18 21:00:32
ID: 1
Formát: AVC
Formát/: Advanced Video Codec
Format_Profile: High@L3
Format_Settings_CABAC/String: Ano
Format_Settings_RefFrames/String: 2 frame
Format_Settings_GOP: M=2, N=29
CodecID: avc1
/: Advanced Video Coding
Duration/String: 40mn 49s
Bit rate: 1 304 Kbps
Šířka: 720pixely
Výška: 576pixely
Poměr stran: 16:9
Frame rate: 25,000 fps
Standard: PAL
ColorSpace: YUV
ChromaSubsampling: 4:2:0
BitDepth/String: 8 bits
ScanType/String: Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame): 0.126
StreamSize/String: 381 MiB (87%)
Jazyk: English
Encoded date: UTC 2015-08-18 21:00:32
Tagged date: UTC 2015-08-18 21:00:32
seznam epizod:
1. Utajená nehoda (The Conspiracy in the Corpse)
2. Lance řeší případ (The Lance to the Heart)
3. The Purging of the Pundit (The Purging of the Pundit)
4. The Geek in the Guck (The Geek in the Guck)
5. The Corpse at the Convention (The Corpse at the Convention)
6. The Lost Love in the Foreign Land (The Lost Love in the Foreign Land)
7. The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round (The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round)
8. The Puzzler in the Pit (The Puzzler in the Pit)
9. The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator (The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator)
10. The 200th in the 10th (The 200th in the 10th)
11. The Psychic in the Soup (The Psychic in the Soup)
12. The Teacher in the Books (The Teacher in the Books)
13. The Baker in the Bits (The Baker in the Bits)
14. The Putter in the Rough (The Putter in the Rough)
15. The Eye in the Sky (The Eye in the Sky)
16. The Big Beef at the Royal Diner (The Big Beef at the Royal Diner)
17. The Lost in the Found (The Lost in the Found)
18. The Verdict in the Victims (The Verdict in the Victims)
19. The Murder in the Middle East (The Murder in the Middle East)
20. The Woman in the Whirlpool (The Woman in the Whirlpool)
21. The Life in the Light (The Life in the Light)
22. The Next in the Last (The Next in the Last)
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[ Script trval: 0.247 sec. ] - [ GZIP: enabled ] Je zhruba 15:40 sql