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The Sims 4 Update 3 - Crack v7 (2014) |

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    The Sims 4 Update 3 - Crack v7 (2014) Názov:The Sims 4 Update 3 - Crack v7 (2014) Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Hry na Windows - Velikost:119.9 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2014-10-11 Peerov:1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1)
    Zaner: Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    The Sims 4 (The Sims 4) + crack patch under the 3rd upgrade


    Jak použít:
    1, nainstalujte Clienta Origin  
    Zde stahnete Origin:
    2, Registrujte se a Přihlaste se na svuj aktivvovaný Otigin učet
    3, Extrahujte
    Upgrade patch under 4, copy the Update folder to the game directory overwriting
    4, Zkopírujte crack do šložky s Sims 4
    5, Spusťte Game inThe.Sims.4.Launcher.exe

    online komunita testovala XP / Win a Win 7 8 / 8,1

    Sedmý Crack
    podporuje třetí aktualizaci

    Třetí patch crack
    Oprava části v Flash-back BUG
    Read Notes before ask something !!

    - This version of game require "Origins" to be installed ,opened and logged in (fake account).
    - Open Origins and login then run game from Desktop shortcut. Before playing put it in offline mode
    - To change game language : go to game folder and run your desired .reg language file
    - To avoid game crash: always run game as Administrator and set Video settings to Medium or low.
    - If your game is not opening at all: install Visual C++ 2013 x64 and x86 version too.
    - If Origins is asking for activation code or product code or invalid .par file: Your Antivirus has deleted or
    blocked file "3dmgame.dll" due to a False Positive: Install update patch with antivirus disabled and add game folder
    to exceptions ,open Origins and login ,run game from desktop shortcut

    - Language pack v3.0 is included and crack is already applied

    Průvodce, jak udělat, aby to fungovalo:
    1. Version required: 3DMGAME-The Sims 4 Digital Deluxe Edition-3DM (recommended)
    or The SIMS 4-Deluxe Edition-SKIDROWCRACK
    2. Disable your antivirus or it will delete/ block the 3dmgame.dll file
    3. Extract this update and install Origin_Setup.exe
    4. Go to vcredist 2013 folder and install both exe's (x64 & x86, x64 won't install on 32-bit systems)
    5. Now copy the folders and files from this folder (_installer, data, game etc) to the main game folder and overwrite the files ( 3DMGAME-The Sims 4 Digital Deluxe Edition-3DM)
    6. Go to Register language, ONLY APPLY 1 folder and apply your desired .reg language, apply 1 only not all of them
    7. In the same folder check if there is no other .par file then TS4.par, or else delete the other one
    10. Add the folder to your antivirus exceptions
    11. Open Origin and login to your (fake) account, and PUT IT IN OFFLINE MODE
    12. Now run TS4-Launcher.exe as admin and enjoy the game.

    tereza_love_sims, karolsefik, djlumiere, proprik, lala880606,

    + Pridaj vlastnu verziu tohto torrentu +

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